Part 6: "Ruins...2"

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Reaper's POV:

I look at the person and sigh.

Reaper: "hey Chara.."

Reader's POV:

I look at Reaper and the Chara boy and I tittle my head.

reader: "Reaper who is he?"

the boy named Chara smiles and bows.

Chara: "Im Chara Dreamer, Reapers brother"

I smile and Chara looks at me.

Chara: "and you are?"

I sigh.

reader: "im sorry but I don't remember my name or anything"

Chara smiles.

Chara: "oh I see, if you like me and sis can take you to our home"

I smile and nob.

Reaper's POV:

Inner/Reaper: "i don't like this"

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