Part 78: " Its a Good Day part.3"

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Chara's POV:

I throw a ball at a small pyramid of bottles and I knock them all down.

Human: " well down you won a price!"

The human gives me two chocolate plushy. I give one to Reaper and she smiles at me.

Reaper: " thanks Chara but this is yours."

I smirk.

Chara: " come on sis I can't be the only one with a plushy."

Reaper smiles at me.

Reaper: " ok Chara you won ill keep this plushy."

I smirk a little and Reaper looks around.

 Reaper: " so~ were to next birth day boy."

I frown and look around. I see a big roller coaster and smirk.

Chara: " lets go on the rocket point 100 roller coaster ride."

Reaper looks at the ride and gulps.

Reaper: " umm..."

I grab her arm and start running to the ride.

Reaper: " CHARA!! NOOO!! I JUST EAT!!"

I drag Reaper in and we sit on the ride.

Inner/Chara: " thins is going to be fun~"

The ride starts.


Reaper is sticking her head on a garbage can vomiting.

Chara: " I said I was sorry!"

Reaper stops and glares at me. I look at a big screen and I run to it with Reaper walking behind me. I look around the screen and I see a photo. Its me laughing and Reaper hugging me like if its the end of the world. I start to laugh has Reaper gets embarrassed.

Reaper: " CHARA!!"

 Reaper punches my arm hard and I hiss a little.

Chara: " ow."

I rub my arm and look at Reaper. Reaper looks super mad and I sigh.

Chara: " I'm sorry but its just funny."

Reaper sighs.

Reaper: " were to next?"

I smirk and look around.

Inner/Chara: " I can't believe Reaper remembered my birth day...I wish the others remember that its my birth day today." 

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