Part 24: " Not The Same Reaper"

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Sans POV:

I walk to the secret garden were Reaper is. I continue to walk seeing Reaper not there I sigh and continue to walk to the tree.

Inner/Sans: " now were did that girl went to?"

I hear a bark and I look next to me and see a gaster blaster. I smile and pet the gaster blaster.

Sans: " hey there boy do you know were your owner death is?"

The blaster backs away slowly in fear. I tittle my head.

Inner/Sans: " that's weird this blaster is not scared of anything...on less."

I flinch and look behind me and I see Reaper standing on her weapon.

Reaper: " hello Sans...what are you doing here?"

I panic a little because her voice is a little deep.

Inner/Sans: " I see so she gave in to her monster soul but that only happens wen..."

Reaper smirks at me.

Reaper: " what's wrong Sans you look like you have seen a ghost."

The wind it gets a little strong  and her hair moves out of the way showing her eyes.

Sans: " I see you gave in to your monster soul."

Reaper smirks as her right eye is all black and a blue flam is coming out of it, and her left eye is all black. Reaper jumps off her weapon and she smirks.

Reaper: " its been a long time right Sansy~"

I glare at Reaper.

Sans: " don't call me that...."

Reaper smirks more.

Sans: " D.E.A.T.H "

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