Part 61: " The King part 6."

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Chara's POV:

we all continue to walk and we are in Hot lands now. I look around seeing that we are going to pas Hot land.

Connor: " so who is going to talk to Reaper?"

I look at Connor and Frisk was going to say something but I stop her.

Chara: " ILL talk to sis..."

Frisk looks at me with a frown and I tittle my head.

Chara: " what?"

Frisk sighs.

Frisk: " no your not going to talk to Reaper because I'm going to talk to her."

I frown.

Chara: " and what will you do if sis attacks you?"

Frisk looks up.

Frisk: " I don't know."

I sigh.

Chara: " well then I'm going to talk to sis."

Frisk glares at me.

Frisk: " no I will talk to her you are just going to hurt her!!"

I smirk.

Chara: " and if you keep saying no I will stab you~"

Frisk flinches and looks away.

Frisk: " fine you talk to her."

I laugh a little.

Inner/Chara: " heh that always work~"

I look at the kid and see that there still sleeping. I smile a little but I stop.

Inner/Chara: " what the hell? why did I just fucking smile a little?!!"

I sigh and continue to walk with everyone.

Inner/Chara: " great next thing I know I'm going to beg mom that adopt the dam brat just like the same way I did with Frisk...well fuck my life and everything that is making me care a tiny bet of this dam brat."

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