Part 10: "Ruins...6"

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Reaper's POV:

I  look around a little scared and I look at the exit that is down the long hall. I start to walk down the hall and I made it near a Cullum I go near it and Chara comes out.

Chara: "BOO!!"

I scream and fall down. Chara laughs at me and he helps me up.

Chara: "sorry kid I just wanted to scare you."

I look around.

reader: "were is Reaper?"

Chara sighs.

Chara: "Reaper went to help mom fore something."

I nob and Chara gets a call and he answers.

Chara: "yeah im on my way."

Chara looks at me and he puts his phone away.

Chara: "stay here im going to help mom to."

I nob and he walks away.

10 minutes later.

I sigh and I start to walk. Then I see roses and I smile and I continue to walk. I see Frogget and I walk to him.

reader: "hello."

*You say hello to Frogget.
*Forgget smiles.

I walk and see I glowing star a walk to it and touch it.

*Seeing that the roses are happy and healthy it fills you with Kindness.

I smiles and I walk down the hall.

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