Part 70: " The Final Battle part 5."

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Chara's POV:

I walk in to the thrown room and I look around. I see Reaper siting on the golden thrown and she smirks.

Reaper: " I see that you came back~"

I stay quiet and Reaper smirks.

Reaper: " very well~"

Reaper gets up and I just stare at her. Reaper raises her hand making her Scythe appear and I grip tightly on my knife. Reaper smiles insanely.

Reaper: " then there is no holding back!!"

Reaper attacks me but I got out of the way and I hit her super hard on her back making her back do cracking sounds. Reaper hisses a little in pain and she teleports away from me. I look at her and she is siting down on the ground. Reaper smirks.

Reaper: " good job but also a big mistake."

Reaper starts to move and all I can hear are her bones making cracking sounds. I feel a little sick hearing those sounds. Reaper stops and she stands up.

Reaper: " now then lets have some true fun shall we Chara~"

I stay quiet and Reaper smirks. Reaper teleports behind me and I flinch. I turn my head to Reaper fast and she attacks me with her Scythe. I doge and Reaper smiles insanely. Reaper continues to attack me but I continue to doge her attacks. Reaper attacks me again and I doge but then Reaper hit me in the face with her elbow making me step away from her holding my nose. Reaper giggles insanely and I look at my hand seeing the blood. I hiss and grown in pain. Reaper has just broken my nose so I hold my nose and I put it back in place making a loud cracking sound. I growl in pain and I look at Reaper but she is face to face with me making me flinch and she grabs me by my neck tightly. I try to breath but It was hard because of Reaper and she smirks.

Reaper: " heh I guess this is it, oh Chara I though you would have put a mush fun fight but I was wrong~"

Reaper lifts me up by my neck and I gasp a little. I grab her arm that she is using to lift me up and I try to rip her arm away from my neck but it was super hard sins my longs are burning from the need of oxygen. I hear Reaper Insanely.

Reaper: " oh Chara you did a big mistake coming back to fight me~"

I look at Reaper and she giggles insanely again.

Reaper: " I guess this is good bye huh Chara~"

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