Part 37: " Determination is dying"

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Frisk's POV:

I feel has my hear shattered and I start to cry.

Connor's POV:

I look at Frisk and see that she is crying. I felt bad.

Inner/Connor: " why do I feel bad?"

I sigh and I hug Frisk and I try to calm her down.


I look at Frisk and see that she calm down. I stop hugging her.

Frisk: " t-thanks."

I nob.

Frisk's POV:

I get up but then I felt pain go throw me and I black out.

Connor's POV:

I catch Frisk before she can hit the floor. I look at "her soul" and I flinch. Frisk's soul looks half red and half grey.

Inner/Connor: " her Determination its dying!"

I sigh and look at Frisk.

Connor: " sorry sweet heart this is goanna hurt a little."

I grab Frisk's Soul and bit it. After a few minutes I stop biting her soul and I bit my finger making it shatter a little and red magic comes out of the cracks. I rub Frisk soul gently with the red magic and her soul goes back to normal.

Inner/Connor: " that was close."

I look at Frisk neck and I look away.

Inner/Connor: " dam it now I'm hungry."

I pick Frisk bride style and I take her to my room and lay her down on my bed.

Inner/Connor: " there now I need to find Dr. Alphys so she can give me a bottle of soul blood."

I look at Frisk and then I walk out of my house in to the Snow Dine Forest.

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