Part 12: "Chara's true face"

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Readers POV:

I continue to walk and I enter another room. In the room I see a black dead tree with roses around it. I smile but I heard someone walking to were I am. I look and see chara. I smile and walk to him.

reader: "there you are Chara!"

Chara stays quiet.

Charas POV:

Inner/Chara: "heh..."

I pull out my knife and the kid panics. I smirk and the kid was goanna run away but I grab them by the arm and pull them to me.

reader: "Chara stop its not funny!!"

I smirk more.

Chara: "sorry brat but I just need to see something..."

The kid starts to cry and I smirk more.

Inner/Chara: "this is goanna be interesting~"

I cut the kid's neck and they start to loos blood.

Readers POV:

I try to scream but my blood is making it hard to scream and breath. I start to cry more as Chara smirks at me. Then he throws me to the ground and pins me down. I panic and continue to cry. Then chara stabs me on my chest.

Charas POV:

I stab the kid on there chest and I continue to stab them again and again. The kid stops moving. Isigh and everythin starts to go black.

Inner/Chara: "heh so i was right all along~"

I smirk as everything goes black. then everything goes back to normal but im in my room cleaning.

Inner/Chara: "so the brat can come back to life afther they die..."

I smirk.

Inner/Chara: "this is interesting~"

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