chapter 1

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justinseagull: hey

taetae1995: who are you

justinseagull: someone

taetae1995: your name?

justinseagull: secret

taetae1995: blocking you

justinseagull: no! i'll give you a week, and then you'll find out who i am

taetae1995: what if you are a rapist?

justinseagull: i'm not! i'm a guy from your school

taetae1995: i can't trust anyone

justinseagull: please!

taetae1995: why?

justinseagull: because i love you and i'm too afraid to say it to you, to your face

taetae1995: anything for my fans (;

justinseagull: stop making me blush

taetae1995: i'm not gay btw

justinseagull: i know

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