The Diaries

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     The following diaries were written before Marco and Star were together.

                 Marco's Diary

     Dear Journal,
     This new kid came to school today and her name is Star Butterfly. She is a magical princess from another dimension. She is beautiful. Her hair is as golden as the sun, her eyes are bluer than the ocean. She is really nice but can be alittle dangerous. Now she lives with me and I will get to know her better. Maybe we'll be best friends.

                 Star's Diary

     Dear Diary,
     Today I left Mewni to come and live on Earth. I live with this kid called Marco Diaz. He showed me around school and his parents are nice. Marco has the cutest little mole on his face which looks quite fitting due to his brown eyes and hair. I think Im going to like it here on Earth.
                  Marco's Diary
                   Two days ago

      Dear Journal,
     Recently Star had to find someone who truly loved her and after everything we have been through I relized that I love her. When we did kiss her magic hurt me and she felt bad. I want to comfort her. Tell her everything will be alright. Tonight Im going to ask her to be my girlfriend. She is my world.
               Star's Diary
              Two days ago
Dear Diary,
     Marco and I have always been best friends til the end and something is changing. We are not growing apart but growing closer together. Hes only kissed me twice and each time my brain turns to sludge. Marco means the world to me and I dont want to loose him I love him and he loves me. He asked me to meet him on the roof which I have to do right now.
     "Awww Marco you actually feel and felt that way," said Star. "Yes Star since the day I met you I wanted you to be mine," Marco says grabbing Star and squeezing her tightly. "Marco I love you," Star starts to lean in. "I love you t-," Marco starts before there lips press together.
     "Did your brain turn to sludge," asked Marco in a sarcastic yet soothing voice. "Yes it did,but everytime I look at you my brain turns to sludge mode," giggled Star. "Hey how about we go skating just me and you," suggested Star. "I like that idea," agreed Marco.
     They went off to the skating rink to have some fun. All was well they skated together they held hands everything was great until... "Marco I bet I can skate faster than you," Mocked Star. "In your dreams," challenged Marco. "Ready, set," they started to say."Oh wait I forgot to tell you I got tickets to go to the baseball game in two weeks," said Marco
"Aww thats so sweet Marco but your still going down," Star glared at him. "Ready,Set,Go!" they said in unison.
      Half way threw there race Star fell and broke her ankle. "STAR! DONT MOVE IM CALLING MY PARENTS TO PICK US UP," Marco said franticuly. They got to the hospital Star in pain.
     "Stars x-rays came back her ankle is broken she has to be on crutches for 8 weeks," said the doctor. "Ok doctor,"said Mrs.Diaz. Marco carried Star out of the hospital on his back. While Mr.Diaz carried her crutches.
     "On Mewni when we break bones we loose our magic for how ever long it takes to heal," said Star with excitment. "So that means no glitches and you cant hurt me or anyone else," Marco said in excitment. They sat there in the car holding hands.

Starco (Under HEAVY Editing)Where stories live. Discover now