A Dark Secret

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     "So Im a prince from a dimension called Ulratolra. My parents were killed and the dimension was destroyed. I was sent here as a baby I never knew I had powers until today. I also have the ultimate healing power so yeah thats pretty much," explained Marco. Everyone sat there completely silent. Marco and Star looked and everyone and saw how this effected them.
     "Star what happened to you you look like you were in a fight and you lost," said Jackie. Star looked at everyone and explained,"In order for the war to end on Mewni I had to get married to Tom. Before I said 'I do' I told him that if he promised not to hurt Marco he said he would and that he couldnt promise that I wouldnt hurt him. So he told me that Toffee could help, and that I would no longer be married. So long story short I no longer have the heart spell."
     "Star you broke bones do you dont have magic so why does I dont know Marco heal you with hus crazy healing magic thingy," suggested Janna. Then Marco explained,"Well I would love to but I dont know how I healed her the first time so this time I cant." Everyone just was deep in thought. "Well it never hurts to try," said Oskar. Marco nods his head and looks at Star. He begins to concentrate and then a big flash of light appears and everyone except Star is knocked down.
     Star opens her eyes to see a bright figure coming closer to her. Star says nothing to the figure. "Hello Star darling how are you," says the bright figure. Star stays quiet for a moment and then said,"Who are you and how do you know my name." The figure answers with,"How do you not know who I am," the figure steps out of the light,"its me the queen of darkness." Star stands there in shock and then say, "Eclipsa your alive." "Yes,yes I am alive and I need to tell you something," Eclipsa said with a smirk on her face. "What do you need to tell me," Star asked. "Well you see your just like me, great power, and you fell in love with a half human, well I fell in love with a monster but still. Your the chosen one you will be the next queen of darkness," Eclipsa paused and looked at Star's injuries, "oh but not like that here Ill fix you up." Eclipsa waved her hand and like that Star was healed.
     "I will never be like you," Star shouted and she grabbed her wand blasting Eclipsa back to her dimension. Star floated back to the ground and everyone woke up. "Star whats wrong," Marco asked noticing Star crying. Everyone justed stared at her crying. "Eclipsa is alive and she said Im going to be the next dark queen," Star explained. Marco hugged her "Star you wont be evil I promise," Marco said. "Marco this is something that you cant protect me from and I probably will become evil," Star said crying.
     Star runs up to her room and Marco runs after her. "Marco leave me alone you cant help with this. This time I am going to be evil and I might hurt someone or worse kill someone," Star crys. An arm wraps around  Star. "To bad I pushed Marco down the stairs," says Toffee. Star jumps up. "Leave me alone get out of my house," Star yells. "Oh Star you know how to get me out just use that little wand of yours," whispers Toffee. Star grabs her wand and shoots Toffee and he disappears.
     Star runs down stairs to check on Marco. She sees Janna, Oskar and Jackie giving him ice. "Star what happened one minute I come up to check on you the next Im on the floor and I hear you screaming," Marco said concerned. "Toffee was up in my room and now I know I cant protect all of you," Star said crying. Marco looked at her almost in tears. "We dont need your protection I mean it is nice but sometimes we can protect ourselves," explained Janna. "No Janna its not that I cant protect you from the forces of evil I might not be able to protect you from me," Star said still crying wanting to run away again. Star stayed and sat next to Marco on the couch they all watched a movie drifting off to sleep.
     "MARCO! JANNA! OSKAR!," Star yelled into what seemed to be nothing. "WE ARE OVER HERE," a voice called out. Star ran over to where she heard the voice. Then a figure jumped out at her. "Wow darling you will fall for anything you'll never be as good as your mother," Eclipsa said,"you'll be better you will be evil." The dream ended.
     "NO! I WONT BE EVIL LIKE YOU!" yelled Star waking up everyone. They all look at her funny but Marco just hugged her tightly. "We have to go to Mewni now," commanded Star, "but first we need some gear."
     Star grabbed her wand and charger. Marco chose the sword and sheild. Oskar grabbed the battle axe because he thought it looked cool. Janna grabbed the book of spells and Star gave her magic so she could use the spells. Jackie looked around seeing what she could find she went with the enchanted bow and arrows.
     "Now Marco lets figure out those powers of yours," said Star in a serious voice. Marco concentrated and tried doing simple things like levitating himself and different objects. Then he tried his healing spells on his own sprained ankle. They all finally mastered there powers and weapons. The hard part was storming the castle. They made a plan.
     "Marco and Star will take the west wing of Eclipsa's old lair of what she called her castle. That way they can find out how Star can control her powers and if she can get them back," Jackie explained. "Oskar and Jackie will take the east wing and try to take out as many guards as possible since every monster is in the castle." Marco explained. "Ponyhead will meet us there she will take the south wing while Janna takes the north," Star said. They all nodded and Star opened the portal saying, "lets do this."

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