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     Star,Marco,Janna,Jackie and Oskar all walk through the portal noticing something weird. Everybody looks up at Star's hair. "Star you hair is turning black," Marco explained. Star looked confused and just ignored it she didnt need to think about any other problems. Marco and Star headed for the west wing.
     "Star Im worried about you," Marco said. Without thinking Star grabbed Marco by the hoodie and kissed him. "Dont be," she finally said. Star got an evil look in her eye and her hair turned more black. "Star," Marco said concerned. Star leaned to kiss him again but Marco pushed her away "Star stop this isnt like you," Marco screamed. Star looked upset but they kept walking through the west wing. Her hair gained more black streaks.
     Marco looked at his girlfriend wondering what was happening with her. "Star if there's something your not telling me just tell me," Marco said sympathetically. Star just rolled her eyes and kept walking. They finally got to the library. "Ugh...theres nothing here," Marco said in frustration. "Marco just yell out what what you want and it should appear," Star explained rolling her eyes. Her hair had gained 1 more streak of black of hair. Then Marco yelled out,"Gaining black hair."
     They watched a book float down in front of Marco. "Wow thats amazing," Marco exclaimed. Star just look at her boyfriend confused still rolling her eyes.
     Dark streaks in the hair of a magical princess with light hair is normally connected with dark maguc. Light hair in a dark haired magical princess also is linked with dark magic. Many times this is caused due to the taking away of a special power. The princess must go back in time to meet her grandmothers at her age and into the future to meet there daughter. Who is the princess in trouble.
     "Umm...Star Butterfly of Mewni," Marco said looking down at the book.
                ** Book **
     Star Butterfly must meet Eclipsa queen of darkness, Celena the shy, Solaria the monster carver, Moon the undaunted and Star's daughter Aurora queen of the dawn. Use this spell, "When one is broken and has a dark heart take her back to where it did start."
     "When one is broken and has a dark heart take it back to where it did start," Star said holding up her wand. A white light flashed and Marco and Star disappeared.
   **Meanwhile 15 minutes ago**
     "Janna do you know where the heck we are going," asked Janna Clone. She thought it was very weird to talk to her clone. "Yes I know where were going and stop talking to me its really weird," Janna said to her clone raising one eyebrow. The clone nodded and they walked in silence when they turned a corner and to there surprise to see Tom. They didnt kno what to do but they just froze and when Tom turned the corner a bright light appeared and Janna with her clone disappeared.
   **Meanwhile 15 minutes ago**
     "Oskar stop playing that stupid instrument," scolded Jackie. Oskar starred down at Jackie's feet raising his eyebrow. "Well...maybe you could get off your skateboard and walk," suggested Oskar. Jackie rolled her eyes and got off of her skateboard. "Why in the world did you make me kiss Star," Oskar asked Jackie. "Shut up!" Jackie whispered. "No...I want answers," Oskar shouted. Just then Eclipsa turned the corner and both of the teens disappeared.
**Meanwhile 15 minutes ago** (last time)
     Ponyhead floated down the hallway. "Ok pony ok you are going to be ok," She whispered to herself. She then calmed down she quickly realized that she was bored all by herself. The time quickly went by and she somehow disappeared.
    Hey guys! Its me the author sorry for another short chapter. Im also sorry for such a delay on this chapter. I was busy with 3 surprises and a bit of writters block.

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