Moon and the Capture

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     "So umm...there is something you should know before we go in the castle. My not a princess shes uh...queen," Star explained hanging her head. Her friends smiled at her "Star it's okay," Janna said putting her hand on Star's shoulder. Some how they knew what was happening with Star and Moon.
     Star looks out the corner of her eye "Kelly?!" she said confused. Kelly looked around "Hey Star,"she said as she skipped over. "What are you doing here," Star asked. Then Kelly smirked and looked up...Oh no. "Well the author wanted to put me in here somewhere so she decided to put me here....Hey author," she said I ignored her. " so can you help us," Star asked. "Of course I can Im Kelly," she said she was acting...weird. They all walked to the castle and opened the door. They went through hallways that when this way and that way and the other way. Finally they found the thrown room. Star slowly opened the door and saw her mom sitting on a thrown. Her mouth dropped she was so surprised. "Mommy," she muttered underneath her breath. Marco put an arm around Star...she took a deep breath. "Queen Moon," she said looking up. Moon gave them an odd look "Who are you," Moon asked in a thick British accent.
     The queen took a moment to look at Star and her eyes widened "Wait...your the girl from my dreams...whats your name," Moon exclaimed. Star smiled "I am Star Butterfly...this is Kelly...Jackie... Janna...Oskar. And my boyfriend Marco Diaz," she announced. The queen gave them a gentle smile "Star you look just like the girl in my dreams but you had blond hair," she explained. Star looked at her confused then looked down at her hair she didnt realize how black her hair was. Her eyes got wide "uhh....uh..," is all she could say. "It is because of some curse this lizard guy put on her so...any problems you have please confess because if not Star could turn evil or die," Marco announced.
     Monn looked down at them and began to cry the teens all ran up to her and hugged her. She sniffed "Okay I will tell you what is wrong," she explained. All the teens gathered around and listened.
One long explination later
     "Moon I am so sorry thank you," Janna said smiling. The queen looked up as she returned the smile. A portal opened for them to get to the next queen. Kelly then looked around "That was too easy...we are being played," she announced. Everyone seemed to agree "How would you know," questioned Jackie. An evil grin grew across Kelly's face "Because...Im the one playing you," she said.
     Kelly then grew taller and became..........Toffee. Marco and the others quickly stood by Star. "What do you want," Marco said. Toffee grinned and looked toward Star "I would like to have miss Star Butterfly," he said with a bow. Star then came out from behind the teens "What do you want from me," Star said as another black streak of hair appeared. "Well seeing that your dark side is coming out I want Luna," he said. (Btw Luna is evil Star) Star looked down then at her friends and at Marco "Fine I will come with you go ahead turn me evil I dont care. But we have to get one thing straight you cannot make me hurt my friends and you cant either," Star declared. Toffee nodded and Star walked forward "Star you cant do this," Marco said grabbing Star's hand. She jerked her hand away and kept walking towards the giant lizard. "Now...Marco," Toffee said levitating Marco towards them both. Star's eyes widened "You said you werent going to hurt my friends," Star said has she clinched her fists. "But...Marco's your boyfriend," Toffee taunted.
     Star blast Toffee to the ground and that completed the transformation. Star didnt have not one blond strand left. Toffee grinned then grabbed Star and Marco's wrists and dragged them into a portal.
Marco's POV
     Toffee dragged me and Star into the portal to his dimension. Star/Luna had an evil look in her eye and kept walking. Toffee then through Star in a cell and took me to another room. "What do you want from me," I asked. Toffee looked down at my arm my eyes widened. "NO!" I shouted.
     "Then I guess you cant see your girlfriend again," he said as he pushed me to the ground. I blinked slowly "Fine," I agreed. He smilied then kicked me in the stomach and had me sit on the floor with my hands chained to the wall. Toffee then mumbled some words and my arm became purple and sticky.
     "Hello monster arm," Toffee said. "Hello.........Toffee," my arm said.

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