Chapter Eleven

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Now I have a job. And what a job it is! I don't think anyone back home would believe it! How lucky am I? My first job in Korea is actually that of a model. Omg! I would freak out but then again I think about the downside of all this; It has a face and a name. Da-leah the evil witch. (but I'm sure y'all know what I really want to say).

I went for my interview yesterday and I'm already starting to work tomorrow. This is great, it will help me stay focused on me and on my goals.. I haven't answered Min-ho's or Hyun-joong's calls because I really need to sort out what I'm feeling. They are both ideal guys (they're good looking and are interested in me). When I came to Korea I thought I was just going to find my oppa, make him fall in love with me and live happily ever after (but nope). First I met min-ho in the most horrible way ever and yet he still managed to make my heart flutter. Ugh this is so confusing!

Right now let me concentrate on working hard and becoming more accustomed to the S. Korea life. Eat spicy chicken feet and drink soju like a local. Sing karaoke and get drunk with my co-workers. That's how it is right? Haha. At least that's how it is in Kdramas.

I should really go to bed though, since tomorrow is my first day as a clothing line model. I can't be late, how horrible would I look? Not only being late for the interview but also on my first day. (Angela Garcia, go to sleep girl or you will surely regret it in the a.m.)

Kim hyun-joong

Where could she possibly be? I hope she's not out, on this chilly summer night wandering around in the streets. I'm truly worried about her. (My cellphone rings)

Kim hyun-joong: Hello?

Friend: Hey hyun-joong, that girl you recommended she came for the interview. She got the job. Thank you for recommending her.

Kim hyun-joong: Wait, Angela went? When does she start?

Friend: She starts tomorrow. Well, I have to go. I just called to say thank you. Let's have dinner together soon. Kure (okay)? Bye bye.

Kim hyun-joong: Araso (alright) sounds like a plan and thank you! Bye bye.

Now that I know Angela will be working tomorrow, I'll just pay her a surprise visit. Then maybe invite her out for dinner to congratulate her on landing the job.

Lee min-ho

Aish! This girl, why doesn't she answer her phone? Is she really trying to make me go insane? Aish! I have no idea where she could possibly be. It's already Wednesday and she hasn't hit me up not even once. Maybe it is true that she doesn't want to see me.

This could mean the end. Perhaps I should go back to prioritizing my work and just put my love life on hold. Who am I kidding? What love life? It barely had begun and already I'm shut down. (While I'm here pitying myself I feel my phone vibrate, it's a text message from Da-leah.)

Text message:

Oppa I want to see you. Tomorrow I will be helping out with the photo shoot. You know the one for the release of the new clothing line. You should meet me there at noon. I promise you that you won't want to miss it. We can go out for lunch afterwards. ;)

I guess I'll go. You never know what she's up to. She is breathtakingly beautiful yet extremely terrifying.



I'm up and ready! I'm ecstatic, I can't believe that this is really happening. I toast a slice of bread and plop some strawberry jam on it. I stuff it in my mouth and gulp down my orange juice, yum. (Okay. Now it's time, let's do this Angela.)

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