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TW: Graphic descriptions

By the way, this is the last 'backstory' chapter. There will be more chapters though don't worry

Sorry for any possible grammar mistakes I wrote this quickly I was too excited. I'll edit properly later


Josh opened his eyes slowly. He felt a sharp pain on his left arm. His left arm was blood red, covered in scratches from the sharp broken windows of the car. He could barely move his body. "Guys?" He called, hoping someone would answer. He meant to speak louder, but his voice was weak too.

Josh tried to get up, but he couldn't. He soon realized that he was inside a car. Chris's car. He was in one of the backseats and his seatbelt was still on. There was something heavy on top of him. Someone. He soon remembered that Nick was sitting beside him before the loud crash.

"Nick?" Josh moved his arm lightly, which was sitting on top of him. He could hear Nick breathe.

"Josh." Nick whispered. "My legs. I can't moved them." Nick sounded like he was in a lot of pain. You could clearly hear the pain in his voice.

Josh sat up the best way he could with only one arm since the other one was broken. Josh saw Nick's legs. They were trapped by the crushed metals of the car. The car that hit them hit Chris's car from the left side, and Nick was sitting on Josh's left side.

"I'm gonna try to get help." Josh said weakly, removing his seatbelt.

He made it to the front seats of the car. The car was completely wrecked, with thousands of broken pieces of glass all over the place. There was a deflated air bag in front of Chris. Chris was on the driver's seat with his seatbelt still on and his eyes closed. There was blood pouring down his pale face, and he wasn't breathing.

"Chris?" Josh cried, trying to wake him up by shaking his body lightly. "Wake up."

Chris wouldn't wake up. Josh checked his pulse, but he couldn't hear or feel anything. He was gone. One of his best friends was gone.

Josh looked to the right. Tyler's seatbelt had snapped. His upper body was on the completely destroyed hood of the car. He had gone through the windshield. "Tyler!" Josh cried even more. The sight was terrifying. Josh thought he was dead too for a good moment.

Josh tried to move forward to check on Tyler. He was not okay, but at least he was breathing. Josh shook him, but he wouldn't wake up. "Tyler?" He called for him. No answer. There was blood running down his face, he had glass shards in his hair and had several cuts on his face.

After Josh made sure that Tyler was breathing and his heart was still beating, he got outside the car from the broken windshield. The car was in the grass and off the road. Josh felt too weak to walk, he had lost blood from several cuts all over his body. Instead, he crawled onto the grass. Maybe he could crawl towards the road and get someone to stop.

Josh crawled through the cold dead grass. He looked around to see what other car hit them, assuming it was most likely a car.

As he got closer to the road, he could see a car, but his vision was blurry because of the tears streaming down his face from what he saw and because of the painful state he was in. He got even closer.

It was a silver sedan.

Josh couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. He closed them for one second, then two seconds. Then all the pain went away.

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