Chapter 9

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Blake's P.O.V

The doctor came three hours ago, what the hell is he still doing there.
Luke showed up.
"What the hell is wrong with my sister you fucking asshole?" Luke angrily said holding me up from T-shirt, almost kicking my ass.
"LUKE!!!! Stop I didn't do anything"
"And wait you're crying? What the hell man?" Luke replied pushing me down.
"No I'm not.." I said wiping my tears off my face.
"Listen, everything was okay until I held her and started kissing then she started crying and her breath slowed down that's when she started feeling dizzy, she held my hands and then she fainted... I called you and you didn't pick up so the ambulance came and then the doc told me to wait here and it's been three hours and 5mins now."
I said feeling crushed, feeling like I was stabbed in the back by a sharp knife. I feel my chest burning from sadness.
"So, you are counting the minutes now. Woah! ." Luke said in a kinda sarcastic way..
"Yea-" I've been cut off by Luke...
"Oh I'm sorry about earlier, I was really angry." Nevermind, I wasn't really concentrating on what he is saying. I didn't even look at his face.
"Nevermind, bro I just wanna make sure she's okay, what if she forgets me..." I said when a tear dropped on the floor and I quickly whipped it off my face.
"Yo, Blake take it easy okay, she is going to be okay, and listen to me I promise you that you and her going to be forever... and plus I get to live happy cause I know you are the one for her."
"Oh another thing don't tell mom and dad, You know they will freak out."
He said with a smirk on his face...

After 30minutes and 17seconds.
"Doctor, please how is she, is she okay" ...
"Is she okay doc, did she woke up"...
Luke and I said jumping on our feet running forward Doctor Stevenson.
I really hope she is okay God please...
"Well, she is okay but..."
The doctor being cut off by Luke saying
"But what?" With a angry look.
"But she suffers from a really rare disease and it's delicate, with her case she is lucky because she is strong. We started the treatment and from the first hour her body responded really well with the treatment, she must be so loved by her family, because some cases like her just die when they faint they never wake up. I'm not scaring you, but this is true and she is going to be just fine. Pay attention to me please. She need to be here for the treatment for a whole month and 3weeks. It is expensive but I think you won't let her die. I will let you see her now but no surprises or scary stuff or bad news, speak less and let her rest please. I will explain more later."
"Thank you doc." I said when Luke nodded and we run to her room quickly.
It's been now four hours and she is still having the treatment. I Don't want to see her. I feel scared. I Don't know what to do. What if she forgets about me? What if she is so happy seing me that she will faint again?
This is no fun.... I thought I will fix this and have her back. What have I done so that she will be sick? God bless her. I hope she will recover really fast and I will take care of her. For sure.
Luke is already there. I can hear her voice behind the open door. I'm afraid to walk in... but here I go.
I'm looking at her and she stares directly in my eyes. I'm drowning in her charming pale face... she is so beautiful.
"Hey Bla- Blake."she was interrupted by coughing. I'm hurting seeing her like this. This is stupid. Ughhh... I feel so weak.
"Hey." I just said avoiding looking directly into her hazel eyes.
"Sis, I love you, please be okay. Got it, or I will kick your ass, just like when you were little. I will give you some time with him now. I will be outside."
Luke said kissing her on her forehead and kissing her right hand. And he walked out the room closing the door.
There is a chair just near her bed I grabbed it closer to her and sat down.
"Are- are you okay?" I stuttered, I felt like I want to cry or something burning inside me....
"I am fine just my stupid heart can't work right..." she said with a forced smile on her face. She is always strong I knew her since a long time and she always hide her sensitive side. But not with me.
"Please be okay. I can't afford losing you again." I said it I can't anymore hold it. It's been a year now that I'm holding it.
"Blake, I know that-" I cut her off by saying
"Listen to me well, I love you, I don't I fucking adore you, you can't leave me I will die, if there is something wrong with your heart, I will give you mine. You need to be with me. I'm not ordering you. I'm sorry, but I love you. Please understand that you are my life since 6 years ago. But you changed, you no longer tell me you're secrets, your funny jokes, you no longer prank me, or hold me, or even look at me. What happened to you... the bullies.... the fucking school. I don't fucking care about fucking anything. Except YOU."
Woahhh!!! I said it I really said it. I don't know what to do now should I ask her my question or what?
The silence hacked the place...

 I don't know what to do now should I ask her my question or what?The silence hacked the place

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*Lea's P.O.V*
The silence hacked the place. But I was feeling so much pain all over my body because of the treatment and the serum in my veins burning me. It doesn't matter I need to do something really quick. That's it.
I grabbed his hands pulling him forward me. I just kissed him. It took him seconds to realize it but then he grabbed me closer to him holding my hair tight while kissing me angrily.
Hmmmm angry kiss I love it...
It got sweeter and sweeter after every second. The kiss was so passionate. Filled with love. His wet lips touching mine. My heart is melting. Wait what?
My heart can't melt I need it to stay alive. Now I know I have a real reason to stay alive. I love him. I know I do.
"I love you Blake." I whispered and I nibbled in his ear.

You guys I'm sorry, I didn't post in loooongggg time I know. But here you go enjoy fellas. I was in my vacation with the family...
Love you and thank you readers...
Stay tuned to find out what is the question, and what's wrong with Lea's heart...
See you soon guys ❤❤❤...

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