Chapter 16

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Here's an update. Hope you guys enjoy it.

...I hear a soft voice saying behind the door after knocking three times.
"Yes, come in." The door open revealing Camilia in front of me.
She came closer and changed my serum with tears in her eyes, I can tell, she's avoiding looking at me.
"I will be back in few minutes to bring you dinner, do you need anything else?"
She said covering me well as she do that I...
I take her hand and grab her closer to me, and kiss her forehead...
She said :" what are you doing?"
I replied sighing and trying to get up but I can feel nothing else but pain vibrating all over my body, as she helps me getting up, she grabs a chair and sits down "dear Camy, listen to me well, I love you to the moon and never back, you are the only one I probably loved my entire life, please take care of me, now that I need you and I won't hide my feelings anymore. You thought I can forget you ? Do you think that is easy? I can never do such a sin, look at me."
She turned away avoiding looking at me once she started crying.
I couldn't bare the pain. This is it. I will do what it takes so that she will be mine forever now. I regained all my force and stand up, going down on my knees and somehow I managed to say this to her :"listen to me well, young lady, Camy you know I God damn love you, I adore you, I love your smile, the way you talk to me, the way you hug me, the way you walk, I love who you are. And I can never imagine myself with someone else, I want you, for myself. I want US to happen, not just like that, you can't deny the fact that this charming prince here is amazing when it comes to romantic speeches Dah!"
I said looking like a kid, a crazy stupid one, and she can't help but laugh, looking straight at my puppy eyes.
"Okay haha okay, get up you are already in pain."
She said kissing while laughing, then she slowly made me up and lied me in bed, once I'm resting she leaned towards me and kissed me. At first I was shocked, I didn't let her the entrance, few seconds later, I put both of my hands on her cheeks and grab her closer to me and kiss her passionately.
She then, injected a new serum. She said it was going to make me feel a bit dizzy and sleepy so I better sleep and rest now. Everything is okay now, but she still didn't tell me she was sick, I can tell she has tears in her eyes.
What if she can't make? what if she is living her last days? Stop it Luke what are you saying, have some faith, I need to be okay, and strong for her, I will even propose to her, I will marry her, what am I waiting for? A bus? Ha! Real funny...

I am really sick, well true I am taking my treatment now, chimio therapy and shit... But I'm in last stage and I am a rare case. That is to say, briefly, next week is my operation, the last one in rare cases of chromic lymphatic leukimia (CLL), the spleen needs to be removed. This happens when the spleen is destroying red blood cells and platelets. The operation is called a spelectomy. As the Doctor said.
I don't know how can I tell him this, I wish he could just let me go now, it is too late. I can't fight anymore.
I somehow managed to fake a smile, and quickly turned around and run like I always do shutting the door of the room behind me. Once I'm out, I burst into tears. I keep telling myself, why am I so depressed, I can get through this. But, then I just go back being sad and... what is wrong with these flashback they keep coming to me, like ghosts. What is wrong with me ! Suddenly,

The door open, and I fall back like baby, which reveals Luke can't help laugh at me. It is funny, I admit, and just few secs after, I burt into laughter, until I start coughing...
And blood was coming out of mouth, I start crying till I can't get up, so Luke hurried and pressed the Nurse call button that is arround the bed.
Once the nurse is here, which was a friend of mine she tried picking me up the floor, but only then I started seeing everything blur, I couldn't help the pain in my veins, the blood rushing in my body, the fever getting higher and higher.
I faint...

I'm done being this guy, this selfish guy that no one likes, even the people who works for me doesn't like me. What am I ? I'm a human being for God's sake, I will stop this now, and take care of my future wife, I won't let anything bad happen to her.
"Woooooyy! Mister, where do you think you're going?"
An unrecognizable voice asked me this question.
"I'm going after her of course, I need to be with her, and..." I replied, with confidence, but then she cut me off saying "no no no, you are not allowed to go out of your room, you are still sick and you might faint, you have to stay in your bed Sir."
I grabbed her closer to me and looked at her directly in the eyes, serious look and then I said " Listen to me, I cannot stay like this, I've been dying to tell her that it's okay to be sick, we and I mean it "we" US together, will get through this operation that I know about but she refused to tell, which I don't know why by the way, do you know why..." she cut me off again I was drowning and I released a breath I didn't know I was holding "okay okay, breathe, take it easy, Dang it! I wish my boyfriend can love me this way. Jesus, I am about to breath the rules, okay get in your wheeling chair, I will take you to her."
After few minutes, the nurse found out that she needs to do the surgery, right now.
I'm afraid honestly I don't feel good.
I kept waiting for the results...
But nothing.
Hours passed by...
I feel like ages have gone, and still nothing, no doctor came out the surgery room.

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