Chapter 2.

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 I saw mom's angelic face, my role model. She is gorgeous, confident, light hearted, strong willed, self made, a feminist, the list goes on... Just seeing her made me alive, made me took five steps back and choke the words I was going to say to her, it was heart breaking realizing that if I said some "things" to her she'll get sad, she already had enough throughout these years and we can thank my dear father for that, we don't talk about him or mention him, briefly the dude is a piece of shit, we hate him, we don't need him, and we're fine without him.. Anyway, that's it pretty much it about him, except that he was like a vampire, he was a cold hearted creature three words, couldn't describe better. Narcissistic son of a bitch...

I had a quick delicious 'Tramezzino' French toast in Italian, mom's specialty, they're really good, I also drank some orange juice and left the house running after mom, got my keys and ready to go, well of course my sister already beat me to the car, she is always early, well organized, and just perfect all the time, I put the seatbelt on, and on our way to school.

After fifteen minutes on the road, listening to Lana Del Rey's song "Love" and reading my favorite book in French "dévoile-moi" of the serie Crossfire. Once we're there I  get out of the car shut the dusty black door behind me waving goodbye to mom and sis, before I forget my sister is 20yo studies in a 'luxurious' university down town she is like this famous, studious, hard working fine lady, she always was mom's number one, she is always perfect and no matter how hard I try I will just be her copy.

As usual I make sure I make a hell of a crushing entrance, 'like stars shining in the dark', into the hell house, exaggeration is a must, I  go and I roll, Mhmm! yes now you know I ain't a big fan of high school but I used to be one... and here it is, I saw my biggest secret, the secret I see everyday, I perceive as I'm walking beside him, he couldn't notice of course, how would he lay eyes on the school trash, the rebel he once knew, we can also thank him for some of the rumors cause why not ? why do I treat myself like this? we never know. It's the self loathing for me, really.

Stay tuned to find out the biggest secret it's getting better I promise. I'm still not good in writing my own stuff so forgive my mistakes and thank you guys.

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