Juliet Potter

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  • Dedicated to Martina Soliman

New story! Omigawsh, please read it! It would mean a lot to me!

I couldn't believe it. Everyone, even Stacy, the hot-headed, anti-romantic girl I grew up with had found love. Yeah, we're only fifteen, but at least she found someone... whereas I haven't been in a relationship since I broke up with my first boyfriend. Seriously, even the nerd girls at Beauxbatons have dated people longer than me! And I, Juliet Potter, the so-called "prettiest girl in all of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic," can't get a decent guy for more than three days, at the most. Probably because they're so rare and in popular demand. Maybe that's what made me change my mind. Well, that, and the reason my first relationship ever ended, which happened shortly after my birthday... well, let's just say I've never been the same since. Anyway, the summer after my fourth year, I asked my parents if I could transfer to Hogwarts with my brother, James. They agreed, and I was overjoyed! Finally, a new start! There's just three days left until we go to Hogwarts, and we still have all of our shopping to do! 

"Juliet, dear, we're going to be late if you don't get a move on!" Called mum. I bet you ANYTHING that James is already downstairs. 

"Coming mum," I called back, walking down the stairs. With every step I took, my long, brown-black hair bounced a bit. When i got to the bottom of the stairs, James stuck his foot out. I didn't see it, so I tripped. Luckily, though, mum saw it as she turned to see why James was laughing.  

"JAMES!" She yelled. I looked up to see my mother, Jamie Potter, glaring at James. James, who was tall for his age and skinny-looking, looked more like our mother. They both had black hair, and James' seemed to stick out a bit, which seems to be one of the few traits he got from our father. They both are tall and skinny, as well. I'm skinny too, but thats almost all I gained from my mother... besides her photographic memory. I look more like our father, Johnathan Potter. He has dark hair like mine, and he looks as if all he does is eat. (Though, that's not entirely true.) He has a handsome face, as if to make up for his weight problem. It isn't hard to see why my parents fell for each other, and their marriage was a respectable one to everyone else, too; they're both purebloods. Anyways, I'll get to the rest of that later, right now, let's focus on the moment at hand. James should have ran, because mum looked dangerously furious

"Apologize right now, young man, if you know what's good for you," commanded mum. James looked a little guilty. 

"Sorry, Jules," he mumbled, flashing me an apologetic smile. It was quite adorable, to be honest, and part of me wondered why this Lily-girl that he kept talking about won't go out with him. But the other part of me knew. Because he can be an annoying git at times, I laughed to myself. Then, realizing what was happening, I blushed. 

"Oh. that's alright, James." I mumbled, embarrassed. See, as much as James and I play pranks and tease each other, we really love each other deep down inside. And not in the way you guys are thinking, negative minds. Seriously, that's just wrong! I mean, we love each other in the way that siblings should. Even though he's almost a year older than I am, we got our letters at the same time, meaning we're in the same year. That's a good thing, I guess, because we're inseperable. Our parents always joke how they have those weird joined-by-the-hip siamese cats instead of children. But it's true, James found a way to include me in everything he did. I did the same, which is why it really killed the both of us when we went to different schools. We solved that problem by owling each other every night, but it still wasn't the same. 

"Now," mum said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Lets go shopping." 


Thanks to side-along apparition, we arrived in Diagon Alley safely. Straight away, mum pushed me and James to "Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions." She was muttering to herself all the while, and I think I heard her saying that James grew as if a stretching jinx was placed on him. Anyways, we walked through Diagon Alley, passing Flourish and Blotts, Ollivander's, and Quidditch Supplies for All Ages. When we finally reached Madan Malkin's, I realized all of a sudden that I was still grasping James' arm. Hastily, I let go, but not before James noticed. 

"Something wrong, Jules?" He asked with a frown on his face. Aw, poor thing, he's worried for me! 

"No, nothing... I'm fine James." I smirked, trying to keep the amusement out of my voice. "Just a little warm, it's so crowded in here!" 

"Oh, okay, Jules," he breathed. Then, his eyes shifted to my left, and he grinned. I turned, only to find myself facing a dark, tall, stranger.


Okay, so that was the first chapter! What do you guys think, was this good? Really, I need the feedback. So, this is basically a Marauders love story. I thought this was a good idea... I've been dying to do a story like this! Right, okay, no more chit chat... kay, anyhoo:

VOTE!! COMMENT!! FAN!! PROMOTE!! LIKE!! All that good stuff.

Right, that being said... 

Until next time, lovely peoples!

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