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When I enter Mr. Finn's class, we still have a couple minutes before class starts. I see Zack waiting for me by my desk.

And no Summer.

Yes! Finally, I'm not greeted by that weird, extremely perky smile. I swear, Summer tries so hard. It's pathetic.

I walk over to Zack, and we do our simple secret handshake.

"Hey, bro. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Just glad I got here before Summer did although I know what's coming," I tell him taking a seat at my desk.

"Are you still gonna tell Summer to-"

"To stop trying to get me to like her and to leave me the hell alone? You bet I am," I say cutting him off

"Look, Freddy, I get that you want Summer to stop, but that doesn't mean you have to be harsh," he tells me sitting down at the desk beside me.

"Zack, trust me. If I let her down easy, then she'll just keep 'flirting' with me," I tell him.

He just sighs.

He is about to say something but is cut off by soft laughs coming from outside of the classroom. As soon as they begin talking, I know exactly who those voices belong to. It is Tomika...and Summer. Great.

I have had such a great morning so far, why did it have to end so soon?

I sigh and put my head down on my desk. Here comes the 'Heyo Freddy. Sorry. Fey Heddy. I mean...' Every damn day. Seriously, does this girl ever give up?

"Hey guys." I hear Tomika say.

"How you doing?" I hear Summer ask.

I take another long sigh before I bring my head up.

To my surprise, Summer actually looks... nice. She is wearing something simple and her hair looks pretty.

Whoa. Quit it Freddy. Snap out of it.

"Uh, we're doing fine. You?" I answer looking directly into Summer's sparkling blue eyes.

Seriously, Freddy! Stop!

"We're good as well," she answers giving a light smile.

I smile back.

"Alright, rockers! Lets start the day off," Mr. Finn says coming inside the classroom...

Everyone scurries to their seats.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

I get in the line with Zack and we begin grabbing our lunches.

"Freddy, what happened? I thought you were gonna tell Summer to stop." he says while grabbing his food.

"I was, but you know she has been less annoying than usual today. She didn't try to 'flirt' with me. But just watch it's gonna happen," I tell him grabbing my food as well.

We exit the cafeteria and enter into the courtyard. We find Tomika and Summer and sit across from them.

"So, guys, when do you think we can get the band together to rehearse?" Tomika asks.

We are doing a performance in a couple of months, and we want to give it all we have.

"I think next week, after school, Thursday," Zack suggests.

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