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"Alright, so is everything ready?" I ask.

"Yep, I got the tickets, a small hang out planned, and then she'll be over with you." Tomika said.

"Great." I said.

We are in the hallway before the first bell, we planned a fun day for Summer and it looks like it's all finally set up.

Summer's birthday is tomorrow, on Friday. Since she is turning fifteen, I wanna make sure that she can have the best day ever. She deserves so much, much more than I can give.

"Alright, we just have to make sure that Summer doesn't know anything." Zack said.

"About what?" A voice said from behind making us jump.

"Well?" Summer asked.

"Um, we can't let you know that you're the light of my life. I love you." I said kissing her.

Did she buy it?

"Thanks Freddy, but I knew that, you told me." She said.

"Well I'm telling you again." I said to her putting my hands on her waist.

"Well I love you too." She said wrapping her arms around my neck.

Yes! She bought it. Phew!

"Summer, guess what tomorrow is?" Tomika asked.

"Friday?" Summer answered.

"Well yeah, but there's a special event." She said.

Summer smiled softly.

"Ok, it's my birthday." She said.

"Yep. Happy early birthday." Tomika said hugging her.

After the hug, they started to laugh so hard. Did I miss something? Probably an inside joke.

"What the hell?" Zack asked.

"Oh, a couple years ago I said the same thing to Summer." Tomika began.

"And a couple years ago she also hugged me, but she tripped and fell on me." Summer continued.

"And when we fell, we hit eachothers drinks and spilled water all over ourselves." Tomika said.

"We know it may not seem funny but it was hilarious! You had to be there." Summer finished.

I still don't get it, but hearing Summer laugh is adorable, so I'm not gonna say anything.


"Ok, let's go to class." I said.

I grabbed Summer's hand, Zack grabbed Tomika's, and we walked to our class.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

Once it was time for lunch, Zack, and Tomika stayed behind a little on purpose because I wanted to talk with Summer, just the two of us.

"Where's Tomiks and Zack?" Summer asked as we sat down on the table with our lunch.

"Oh, Zack texted me, they had to stay to talk with the teacher about a project or something." I lied.

I sat down across from her.

"Oh ok, do you want my food?" She asked pushing her tray towards me a little bit.

Isn't she gonna eat?

"Look Summer, I've been meaning to ask you this, why are you skipping meals?" I asked.

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