Chapter 6

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Harry's POV:

It appeared as though Hermione had dropped the subject of Draco for the time being. It appeared as though, but Hermione definitely hadn't. Harry found himself contemplating this as he, Ron, and Hermione walked towards the bustling Great Hall exactly one week after he had told her everything. Harry assumed that Hermione had formulated a plan, but he didn't want to ask her about it, especially in front of Ron.

"Harry," Ron said, shoving Harry's shoulder. "You okay mate?"

Harry physically jumped a few inches in the air. "Wha- oh yeah, I'm fine."

Ron looked at him questioningly as they all sat down at the Gryffindor table, Hermione sitting next to Harry and Ron sitting across from them. In the face of food, Ron forgot about Harry's strange behavior. He grabbed a turkey sandwich a shoved half the sandwich in his face. Hermione shook her head in disgust as she helped herself to garden salad. Harry watched Ron thickly attempt to swallow his sandwich.

"Harry, why aren't you eating?" Hermione said reproachfully. Harry looked over at her, she could tell that she knew what was wrong, but just put up a show for Ron's sake.

"'Er-mi-nee, 'e's fine," Ron said in an incredably dense manor, finally swallowing his half sandwich.

"Yeah," Harry said, grabbing a cucumber sandwich from the platter of sandwiches. "I'll, um, be in the library."

Harry grabbed his bag as Hermione gently shoved a square of parchment into his hand. He glanced up at her, but didn't bring it up. He rushed out of the Great Hall and up the marble stairs, soon deviating from the path to the library and taking a passage that houses a iron spiral staircase that would bring him up five floors to the abandon classroom. 

Tapping the door twice with his wand, Harry entered the room, crossing the stone floor and sitting down at a desk as far from the door as possible. It was too risky for him to transform in the middle of the day, so Harry unfolded the square of parchment that was crumpled in his right hand.

We need to talk. Astronomy Tower, 1:30 tonight.


A light wind whistled through the stone staircase leading to the top of the Astronomy Tower. It sounded almost like a song, but it did the job of masking Harry's footsteps well. He spiraled upwards, towards the top of the Astronomy Tower. But Harry paused as he neared the top. There was in fact music. Someone sing, to be exact.

Whoever was singing had a beautiful voice that resonated a small degree of sadness. It was difficult to describe, but it was beautiful, almost tangible, with many layers and endless depth. The sadness was shrouded in loneliness, but also resonated strength and defiance. It was gentle yet resilient.

...And walk though this house in your shoes; You know, it's strange; It's a strange way of saying; That I know I'm supposed to love you; I'm supposed to love you...

But the song trailed away as Harry stepped on the landing at the top of the tower and took off his Invisibility Cloak.

A/N: Sorry for the wait on this chapter! I got kinda of lazily and didn't get around to writing this until now, but I hoped you enjoyed it anyways. Please leave your thoughts in the comments and please share and vote if you enjoy. :)

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