18. Good Girl.

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"Tell me about yourself."

The one phrase that always made Sophie fall silent. She never knew quite what to say, for talking about herself had always been difficult- not unless it involved a plethora of TV programmes, book trilogies and the odd band or two that she liked to listen to.

Truth was, she considered herself to be a boring person. She didn't like to do a lot of things- not because she held herself back, but because her parents were always so cautious with what she was exposed to and what she wasn't.

Which, unfortunately enough for Sophie, were a lot of things.

She was one of those people who liked to sing, but could barely hold a note decent enough to gain recognition. She liked to paint, but barely had any eye for colour. And she liked to take pictures, but not when it came to positioning the objects and making careful choices about their placement; deeming the hobby relatively useless.

If anything, her job at Build-A-Bear gave Sophie more experience than her parents ever did when it came to the real world. That was kind of the main reason why she applied in the first place- to gain a sense of independence.

Although, she wished she hadn't told the managers her surname when she came in for the first job interview. The very second they heard 'Hood', it seemed to be automatic. The only reason Sophie got the position as a sales assistant fairly was because she requested another interviewer and did a repeat, this time not revealing the sacred Hood crest until a couple of months into the job.

She wasn't about to tell Luke this, though. She had a feeling that he already saw her as nothing but an overly-privileged princess- much like how everybody else saw her- and she was determined to break out of that shell as soon as humanly possible.

"I don't have anything to say. Tell me about you," she said, crinkling her nose in hesitation. Luke chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully for a while, not entirely in the mood to speak about his past.

It was a touchy subject. Then again, so were a lot of things in his life, and he honestly had no idea what the difference was between not wanting to tell and simply being at a loss for what to say.

"What do you want to know?" he asked, leaning back against her bedframe. Sophie sat cross legged in front of him, shrugging.

"Just things. I feel like I don't know you as much as I'd like to,"

"You know a lot about me already," Luke said. Deep down, he was quite touched that she cared enough to find out more, "There's nothing else I can think about,"

"There's always more to a person than what they give," Sophie said, sounding quite wise for her age, "Like," she jutted her bottom lip outwards, thoughtful in her own sense, "A person's favourite colour says a lot about them, for example."

"Does it?"

"No, I don't know. But what's yours?"

Luke chuckled slightly, amused at her smooth transition. "Can you guess?"

He found her look of concentration adorable, especially when her eyes flickered up and down his all-black attire, even flitting over to his gym bag.


"No, it's-" he stopped. Sophie was right, and he'd been expecting her to respond with no colour other than jet black, "-Right. You're right," his smile widened slightly as she giggled, "How did you know that?"

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