Mia, Sophie found, was a woman who looked a whole damn lot like Corey.
One of the few differences was that she had light green eyes, big and blinking and filled with all types of curiosity. Her slender frame gave her the impression of elegance and poise, of being smart without being unnecessarily witty, and her smile was one that could be seen for miles.
In other words, Mia Jacobsen was absolutely stunning.
As she flipped through the photo album pages, Sophie couldn't help but smile a little, her heart fluttering at the past pictures of Luke and Corey and this woman whom she now knew as Mia. The young woman she'd always been compared to; the woman whose name had slipped past everybody's lips in nothing but hushed whispers and sad tones.
She didn't feel angry, or annoyed. Any sense of negativity hadn't been felt in the slightest. Sophie couldn't blame Luke for not telling her about this mystery woman who mothered his child, for it wasn't her piece of information to obtain in the first place; it was his. His privacy, his life. She was just happy that he let her in it to begin with.
The pictures were slightly blurred, with old camera time stamps tucked right in the corner of each one. There was an image of Corey making angels in the snow, small limbs matching the movement of his father's as a lanky eighteen year old Luke did the same; another of him balancing on the blond's shoulders as Mia's hand stayed clasped in his own; another, at a family dinner table.
Sophie didn't want to dwell on that one too much, for it contained a couple of people that she didn't really recognise— an older woman with a smile very similar to Luke's, Luke himself, Mia, little Corey, Jack (much to Sophie's surprise) and another man seated right next to him who didn't look much different to Jack himself.
She began to wonder who these mystery people were, what significance they held in Luke's life. She was aware that he didn't really like talking about his past often, for it brought back way too many unpleasant memories, but this was just intriguing; the people in the picture looked happy.
And happy, she'd drawn the conclusion, was an emotion that hadn't been familiar to Luke for the longest time. It was nice to see his past, rough self hold a smile for once.
He was out late again, something about needing to help Ashton out with re-decorating his apartment. It wasn't the most plausible excuse, but still- if Sophie wanted to press on, she would.
She just found that she didn't need to, not at this moment in time, at least. She trusted Luke enough to let him do what he wanted, so long as he was smart with his decisions and didn't do anything too dire.
Smiling slightly to herself, she plopped down onto the couch, socked feet propped gently up on the coffee table right in the middle of Luke's living room. Sure, he'd been coming home later than usual, and yes, she had to admit that she was a little worried for him, but it was okay. Luke would be okay- she genuinely couldn't imagine him being anything but.
And besides, Luke coming home late really wasn't all that bad. Usually he'd be restless, hyped up from whatever activity he'd spent the start of his evening doing- ultimately resulting in the couple in doing something equally as 'restless' right on the boxer's couch.
The very couch that Sophie was also currently sitting on. She sat up immediately, cheeks blushing a dark red at the memory of Luke throwing his head back in a moan against the same throw pillows digging into her back just the night before. They were the same pillows he'd raspily instructed Sophie to grip onto, too, before spreading her thighs and delving his tongue deep in between them— not stopping until the girl finally lost track of her 'cum count'.

boxer ⋆ luke hemmings ✔️
Fanfiction"And after all the fucking matches, broken bones, ripped punching bags and crowds yelling at me to get up... who the fuck knew that my hardest fight would be you?" • [Contains smut] ©loudluke