Chapter Eighteen: Unlikely Alies

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You'd think by now I would learn to not be surprised. But I think out of everything, this might have surprised me the most. I couldn't have made this up if I tried. It’s honestly people who haven’t been on my radar for quite some time. I figured I wouldn’t have been on their radar, but I guess I was.

"You seem to be doing well," the first one said. For the lack of anything better to say, I simply said nothing. I couldn't get over this. I thought Krissy was a surprise, but they topped it all. How did they even find me? Of all people to track me down…

"First or second?" The second one asked, nodding to my stomach. I self-consciously put a hand on my stomach. Chance kicked viciously as if to make himself known. I felt uncomfortable around them, like I was an awkward teenager all over again. That was a past time I simply did not care to go back to. Not even for  moment.

"Second. What're you two doing here?" I had to ask before I lost my mind. Suddenly I wished I had a gun like I had with Krissy. Though I probably would have shot and killed the both of them without blinking. Talk about mood swings.

"Sweetheart, who's at the do- oh hell no." Jason's reaction is exactly what I was thinking. But that'd be rude to say to their face. He didn’t have to be nice though, nor would I ask him to be. He’s hated them for a long time now and that certainly wasn’t going to change.

"Did we ever have the pleasure of meeting?" The first one asked as Jason rolled his eyes at him. I wanted to tell him to shut up, that it wasn’t a good idea to tempt an alpha. But I almost hoped Jason would rip their hearts out their chest.

"Pleasure? Ha. If we had of been introduced, I would have broken your fucking face." Jason mentioned. They both cringed and I sighed. I guess I should bother with pleasantries.

"Jason, this is Greg and Tyler, swine, this is my husband, Jason." I introduced. "What're you doing here?"

"We went to be wolves." Tyler said as if it were that easy. Jason would sacrifice them first. Or kill them himself before turning them. Or set up a torture chamber. The possibilities are endless, really.

Jason laughed. "You know that requires the bite of an alpha."

"We know." Greg acknowledged. That might have easily been the dumbest words to come out his mouth. Why would Jason turn him? Either of them.

"You think I'd turn you? After the way you treated my wife? I don't think so." Jason said bemused. Suddenly, he punched Tyler in his nose. "I heard that you dick. She wasn't my wife at the time, but she was still the mother of my child when you decided to tell everyone you, Greg and Keegan all had her."

"Never trust your thoughts around a man who can read your them at any given time." A voice behind them said. It wasn't one that I recognized, but when he came into view, his sandy hair looked familiar. I couldn’t quiet place him, but I feel like I perhaps knew him from somewhere.

"Neil? Where's your brother?" Jason asked. The name sounded familiar to me, I think I'd met him at the bonfire a few years ago. I couldn't imagine what brought him here. I don’t think Jason had really talked to him since that night.

"That's what brings us here; may we talk, perhaps in private?" He asked. I nodded and motioned them all in before mentioning going to take care of something. But really I just wanted to get off my feet, my leg hurt and I was still on crutches. "No, Chelsey, I want you to hear this. Boys, go play nice, and try not to piss anyone off, yeah?"

For the first time in my life, I saw Tyler and Greg not only listen to someone, but do as they were told. Needless to say, Neil impressed me.

"We have a big problem, McGowans." Neil said once we were in the comfort of our back yard. The heat hit me and suddenly, I was aware of the day. The past seven and a half months, I've been so focused on Bellator that I let the days pass me by. It was July for crying out loud and I didn't even know it, but I could feel it in the air. I had a feeling it had a lot to do with me being a witch though than anything. My mom used to tell me it was part of our gift.

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