Chapter Ten: Suddenly

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"We have to go." Jason decided after hours of pacing and making phone calls. It was the most he'd said to me in a while.

"Go? Jason, we just got here." I complained. Of course my honeymoon would be ruin. It was silly to think we'd actually get two days alone together. But a girl could hope. I just wanted to take some time to enjoy my marriage but obviously that wasn't going to happen.

"I cannot sense Owen. I've called everyone and no one has heard from him." He mentioned. "I need to find him."

"We are hours say from them. I'm sure they're looking for him. By the time we get there-"

"I don't care. Besides, he's your brother, I thought you'd be a little more concerned." He replied. Because he was concerned, I let the fact that he was being extremely hostile go. But he was pushing it just a little bit. "Did you not see what happened to me? That tends to happen when a member of my pack is injured... Or worse."

"I am concerned. But I realize that a sixteen hour flight back isn't going to help anyone, and I do not want to fly back, I'm still jet lagged." I was desperately trying to keep my temper in check, but I could feel it and my heart rate going up. Jason was being irrational, but as he put our untouched luggage back into the town car, I knew there was nothing that would change his mind. But I wasn't going to leave without a fight. I was at my dream destination and he was ripping it out from under me.

"We're leaving, end of discussion." He said as he opened the door for me. I stood for a while staring in his eyes which were full of determination. Any of the happiness or passion I'd seen earlier has been completely obliterated.

"So you're telling me, that finding your pack member when everyone else is probably looking for him, is more important than your wife." I clarified. He didn't budge. Instead, he looked me on in the eye, and stood his ground.


I got in the car without another word. I pulled out my phone and plugged in my earphones, determined to block out anything my husband had to say. But to keep myself from crying, I needed to talk to someone.

Me: Is it too late to get this marriage annulled?

Sky's The Limit: What happened?

Me: We're on our way home.

Sky's The Limit: What? Why? What happened?

Me: Finding Owen is a little more important than me.

Sky's The Limit: We're ALL looking for him. Why do you need to come back?

Me: Bros before hoes?

Sky's The Limit: You are NOT a hoe. YOU are his WIFE, and YOU should come first.

Me: He obviously didn't get that memo.

Sky's The Limit: I can't believe him. Is so dumb. Try not to get too upset, it's not good for the baby.

I subconsciously put my hand on my stomach. I wasn't kidding when I said I was feeling sick. Moving from plane to car and then back to car then plane wasn't going to help. Even though I tried to suppress my nausea, it wasn't helping. Not by a long shot.

Me: I know, I know. I guess I'll just suck it up. I should have known better.

Sky's The Limit: No worries. When we figure all of this out, I'll make sure you two have a nice honeymoon.

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