Chapter Five: Magical Returns

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I haven't seen my father or Lincoln in almost two months.

But, we had to leave London and return to the states, which wasn't easy for my mother or the rest of us for that matter. She's been crying nonstop since then, but I couldn't blame her. If Jason disappeared on me without a single word, I'd-

"Chelsey, are you okay?" His voice rang in my ear. I nodded in response although I couldn't be quite sure. After all, both my father and my grand father were missing. And I wasn't sure if they left on their own free will or if they'd been taken. And if they were taken, could I protect my own daughter? I worried about her every second she was out my sight. I worried if she was safe, if Bellator contacted her or Tate again.

We'd been settling in our hotel room in a small town in Tennessee. My mom's home away from home, as she put it. But I felt so out of place here, so out of place in life.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lied. Not because I wanted to, but because I wasn't sure what was actually bugging me. "Really I am. Actually, would you mind finishing putting our stuff away? I have to see Sky."

"No, you go ahead, I'll see you in a few." He kissed my forehead and I shuffled quickly out the door. My mom, being the savvy woman she is, booked the only two penthouses, away from everyone on the very top floor and requested no one come up unless summoned. Six rooms, twelve people(ten with my dad and Lincoln gone), worked perfectly. I do feel for Jason though. All the boys were shacked up in the other penthouse, adjacent to ours. He'd been stuck with the women and the kids, until my dad returned to room with mom. I know he didn't mind, but still. I know he missed living with the guys.

I ran across the place to the other room, slamming the door behind me.

"Is my mother here?" I asked, surveying the room, noticing the absence of my doppelgänger. Sky shook her head to confirm my thoughts.

"She went to play with Jaclyn and Tate, what's up?" She asked, I could see her scrutinizing me. I hated when she did that, it made me feel like she had X-ray vision.

It wouldn't surprise me.

"I had sex with Jason." I blurted out. I can't imagine why, it hasn't crossed my mind lately. I covered my mouth instantly regretting the words that came out my mouth. Sky was the last person I'd want to tell that to. She's always way too... Encouraging.

"What! When?" She demanded, patting the seat next to her. I took it and awkwardly fumbled with my hands like a kid in the principal's office. Except Sky wouldn't scold me, she'd likely congratulate me and ask for all the naughty details like we were teenagers all over again.

"Almost two months ago." I bit my lip awkwardly at the memory. God, why was I feeling this way? I'm supposed to marry him. We had a daughter together. And yet... That didn't make it any less awkward.

"And that's a problem?" Sky asked as she got up and got something from the mini fridge. "It's been three years. And from what I heard, he was quite the accomplished lover-"

"That's not the poi-"

"Oh so he's still the accomplished lover." She interrupted with a huge grin. "Just tell me, was it mind blowing?"

Yes. "Sky, I didn't come here to tell you how great the sex was-"

"So it was mind blowing-"

"Skylar Rose Cambridge! Focus." I screamed. For Christ's sake, I felt like I was talking to Jaclyn, who conveniently shared the same middle name as her god mom.

"Right, sorry. It's been a while for me too. But why are you upset? I thought you wanted this." A look of confusion washed over her face and I felt the same amount of confusion.

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