a wind and the rain

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"Why in the hell did she do that? Why did she even have that on her? Was she planning on going suicide bomber on us?!" Jason roared, slamming his fist into the wall, he's lucky he's an Earth element. Most people don't get away unharmed from attacking a cemment wall. Then again, if he was most people, he wouldn't be here.

"She had a choice, risk them getting her to talk, or take them with her." I straighten up. My voice is calm, collected.

"She could've gotten away! Quinn knew he might not make it! Her job was to get in, and get out. Leave the chip. UNHARMED!" He looks ready to explode. Don't cry Phoenix, you've dealt with pain. You buried your own mother, you're a fire element. Whatever you do, never be weak.

"WHERE IN THE FRICK IS SHE!" The moment is made even more dramatic by Daniel's personal tornado slamming the door shut behind him. His hair whipped, and if he could control lighting Jason'd be dead right now.

"We... lost her." I stand up, offering him my seat. He turns on me, the temperature rising with the air pressure. "Calm down, Daniel." I stick my hand out, resting it on the cuff. Get him under control.

"I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! YOU'RE LYING, WHERE IN THE HELL IS SHE?" He snarls, wind rips out, slamming me against the wall. He freezes, fear rising as he looks at me eyes wide. I feel my skin start to prickle.

"I suggest you take a seat. We are all upset over this tragedy." I glare at him, trying to keep the anger from my voice. Stay calm Pheonix.

"Really? You don't look upset.. But why would you? You lost another pawn. I lost my sister. Do you even care, when we die? Would you cry if Isaac never came back? If I never saw my brother again, because of your crazy ass mission? No, you don't even have feelings! It's just a game, it only matters if you win." He growls. Silence fills the room. I hear the hearth cackling, the flame rising, sparking from my fingertips.

"Pheonix!" Joseph yells as I exit the room. I have to go. I can't cause any more death today.

"Hey." Caleb whispers, walking up to me. I can immediately feel myself calming. He's a water element, he is full of peace. I am fire. All I do is destroy, unlike the others I can never be gentle. Fire kills whatever it touches.

"That's not true. Where would the human race, anybody be without fire? In the dark damp.cold freezing and starving, sick. Dying. Every element has two sides to it." He reassures me. I can't help it, a smile spreads across my face. Of course Caleb would know what's wrong.

"Thanks." He nods at me, mischievous grin on his face.

"Any time Sparky." He gets up. Wonderful now I have to face Joseph. I've never lost my cool before. But Daniel hit a nerve.

"See ya, Turtle." I grin at him for a second, only Caleb could calm me down like this. He shakes his head at me.

I get up and turn back, going to face the firing squad.

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