Chapter ONE

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I look into the mirror and take in my appearance. Black hair, a green and orange eye. A signature black hoodie and signature black converse. Black, blue, purple, and yellow wristband. No makeup or jewelry and no pink in sight.

I am Evelyn Q. Grace.

I'm not popular, not special, not anything.

"Evelyn, how are you?" My adoptive mother asks me. 

"I'm perfectly healthy," I say to her sitting down at the table. 

"Would you like something to eat?" She sighs.

"I already ate."

"Alright then, Evelyn." She says as she goes into the kitchen. I walk towards the door after grabbing an apple.

"Evelyn!" She calls from the kitchen.

I stop and turn to look at her, her head peeking out from the kitchen, "Yes?"

"Have a good day at school." She says smiling at me.

"I'll try," I mumble walking out the door, taking my book bag on the way out.

I'm at school in less than eight minutes, how amazing. I wait by the door as everyone fills the halls. Some stare at me, some just keep their heads down waiting for their daily bullying to begin. 

I get to my locker and take out my books for my first class of the day.

I take a seat at the back of the classroom near the window. I reach into my pocket and pull out my earbuds, which are attached to my iPod. I look to my left, out the window, wondering what it would be like to know my parents. Although that could never happen, I could never forgive them.

A chair skids across the floor, sounding like nails on a chalkboard. I look to my right to see a boy sitting there, a smile on his face as he looks forward. Brown hair flipped to one side, and brown eyes. 

"It's rude to stare." He says turning to face me.

"I could be staring at the door."

"Why do that when I'm right in front of you?"

I scoff at him and look out the window again. But after a few seconds, he pokes me on my upper arm, I look at him.

"What is it?" I ask.

He sighs, looking away from me for a few seconds before looking back at me, "What song are you listening to?" he asks.

"Caught Up by Sarah Close," I say and he nods his head.


"Alright class, today we will be starting projects today." Mr. Joanas says I roll my eyes.

"This is a group project, so I expect it to be finished before Monday but you all may turn it on Tuesday." He says as he hands out the rubric. 


I go outside for lunch where it's not as loud.  The smell of a cigar fills the air, I look around for the source and sigh when I see no one. 

"Most people would have got up and left as soon as they smelt it." A male voice says from behind me, he's on the other side of the oak tree.

"I'm used to the smell," I say taking a sip from the water bottle in my hand.

"You want one?" He asks.

"If you're sharing," I say and he chuckles.

He sits down beside me and hands me a cigar. Light brown hair and blueish silver-ish eyes are what I notice first. I light the cigar myself and take a drag from it.

"You going to finish that?" He asks pointing to the half ate the chicken sandwich on the tray.

"No," I say pushing the tray away from me.


My name gets called on the intercom and I sigh hoping that it's not who I think it is.

"Evelyn." Her voice says it all, I groan. 

"How wonderful," I say to her and she frowns.

"Would you like to have dinner with us tonight?" She asks looking at me.

"Only if you're not going to be there," I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Evelyn." She says scornfully, "Your father would like to see and speak to you tonight. I expect you to be there." She says before walking out the door. 

"Can I leave?"I ask the principle. 

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