Chapter FIVE

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When I got back home my mother and father wouldn't stop yelling at me.

"Evelyn I told you not to go!" She yelled at me. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my spaghetti, she thought I would change my eating habits so that I could be like Susan. Just thinking about my sister makes me shudder.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asks me. I look up at her and then down at my food, I start to eat again. She lets out a huff and then starts to talk again.

"Honey, could you tell me why was this sport so much more important then shopping?" She asks me. I wanted to laugh, shopping, I took a deep breath and look at her.

"When is shopping ever important?" I ask her.

She gasps at me, "Well then, sense you didn't want to shop today we will go tomorrow." She says.

"No, practice is tomorrow." I say.

"You are going tomorrow and I'm taking that death trap of yours away." She says.

I look at her and bite my bottom lip, "Its a motorcycle and you can't take it away. You didn't buy it." I say to her.

"I'm sure a can associate with your other parents." She says sitting up in her chair.

We are currently having dinner and nobody else is talking other then me and mother, then father chipped in.

"Dear, I think your taking this a little to fair." He says to her.

"How, she comes home late, I tell her not to go out and she does. How is this all possible? That motorcycle, it needs to be taking away from her. And maybe, just maybe, she will act like a lady."

If I was a cartoon charter, steam would be blowing from out of my ears. I send her a death glare and she looks smaller.

"I don't have time for this." I say angrily at her and walk out of the kitchen. I grab my bag and when my touches the door someone pulls me away. I turn around to my father standing there with Erick.

"What?" I ask, showing no emotion in my eyes, but the words lacking with anger.

"Be home before midnight." He says to me.

"I" I say after a few seconds. I walk out the door and get on my motorcycle, I ride to Nighttime Blue's and park. I fling my bag over my shoulder and walk inside.

"Evelyn, if your in the mood there's a spot open." Jake says to me coming up the stairs.

"To bad, I'm not." I say bitterly.

"That Nick guy is down there, just so you know." He says before walking past me. I growl and then walk down. I look around the room and see Nicholas sitting on a bench taking a sip from a water bottle. He looks up and sees me, when he tries to look in my eyes, I move my gaze from him.

I go into the changing room and change, I place my clothes in the bag and walk out.

Nicholas Z. Wilson POV

See goes over to a punching bag and starts to punch it. I've noticed when she comes here, she's always mad. I walk over to her and stand there watching her.

"Stop it." She says. How is it every time I watch her she always knows?

"Stop punching the bag." I say. She doesn't stop, but keeps going.

"Stop looking at me." She says more demanding this time, I don't stop. She stops of aggravation and looks at me, avoiding my gaze.

"Happy Cole, I stopped." She says.

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