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"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"You have to make good grades to get a nice job which gives you a nice life."

"You need to go to college and get a degree."

"Do something professional, you'll get more money."

"You don't want to be poor don't you?"

So is this
All just a fucking

I have to get
Good grades
Then go to

Then get a
Degree then
Go get a
Job just

To pay
Bills and die?

How the hell
Is that even

All that hard work
Just to survive
And not live?

Isn't there more
To this life?

Because the smartest
Man is probably
Out on the streets

And the most
Ignorant man
Is probably living
In a house

On a hill

So what difference
Does it make?

I could be
The person who
Was the
Highest in

Every class
And still struggle
In this game

Why push myself
So hard just
To find myself
Trying to

Take a vacation
From my own life?

Why try to
Compare my
Report card to
Everyone else's

Knowing that my
Future may turn
Out totally
Different than

What you said it
Would be?

And if so
What I don't
Have a lot
Of money

In my pockets?

Money can't buy
Me happiness or
Cure my sadness

My life shouldn't be
Based on how
Much I
Make and

How many nice things
I have

It all
On my perspective

"What do you want to be when you grow up?"


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