I want to be human
I want to feel human
I want to escape this illusion
I have to
Because I'm in
A prison without
Any social
SkillsOr connection
With othersI must escape
It's killing me slowly
I must escape
This it's
Driving me
To insanityI have yet to have
A real conversation
With my love
OnesI have yet to not
Have a full
Impersonal conversation
Over textI have yet
To have a meaniful
Conversation with
Someone onThe phone
I'm sorry friend
I just can't text you
I have to
Hear your voice
Or look you
In the eyesShit,I want to feel you next to me
Because I want to feel real
I feel robotic
In schools
We aren't allowed
To touch other
Or show affectionAnd the only affection we
Can ever know
Is through
These screensThat have put us in a trance
Thinking that this
Is realityI want to be real
I have to escape this
I need to feel like a person
A human
Poetryca·thar·sis /kəˈTHärsəs/ "the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions."