Chapter Three: "Not Just any fan, me."

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***Yay, second update today!!! So.excited, if you liked it, and drop a comment. I need feedback ^.^ thanks for the support!!!*** an thank you Maggie for sharing this ;)


~Destiny's POV~

       I woke up later that day, I was still on the bus. I stood up and walked to the bathroom, I was wearing the misfits shirt that Craig had put on me. Oh, shit. I totally forgot that I was supposed to be home sometime today. The bus was parked, I looked out the window, I had no idea where we were. I heard Max snore on the other side of the bus. No one but me, Lana and Max were on the bus..

        Craig, Tj, and Thrasher gone. I turned around and Lana was awake, she looked a little appalled.

"Lana you alright?" I called from behind her, she looked back at me, tears swelling in her eyes, and she began to cry,

"Oh shit," I muttered and rushed to her and helped her up. "Nothing happened, breathe." I tried to console her, she relaxed a bit.

"I need water." She grumbled as she walked to the sink and found a cup.

      I heard someone step into where we were,

"For someone who didn't drink sure passed out drunk." Max said, Lana looked passed me to Max. She gazed at him stretching, "Okay I had two or three drinks." She said before drinking out of her cup. He replied, "You downed three bottles of jack with Craig. But okay." He smirked and stood up. I was just standing there not knowing what to do. He began again, "You also vomited a lot. What was it you said? Oh yea."

          He cleared his throat and began speaking in a girly voice. "You're so hot. I just wanna play with your hair all the time." I tried my best not to laugh cause Lana looked furious. He chuckled a bit, "Just be glad Lacy wasn't here to hear it." He smirked at her. I could tell she was getting angry, she was shaking.

"Fuck you Green." She sneered, with the nastiest glare.

       I had gotten tired of them bickering.

"You know, I'd take you up on that offer." He stepped close to Lana. "But you'd enjoy it too much." He shoved through us and walked past. Lana looked confused, and kinda hurt.. but what she did next shocked the hell out of me.

        She slammed her glass down on the counter, causing it to shatter into a million pieces. I jumped a bit at her actions. "I'll see you later des." She grumbled and looked at the floor, and rushed out the door of the bus. "Lana wait!!" I followed her and wasn't too far behind. She turned around tears dripping off her face, it broke my heart.

"I knew I shouldn't of came last night. I knew meeting him would turn out bad." She sobbed, I didn't want her to be so upset.

"Lana stop. Come back inside an hang out. Please?" I held her hand, them wiped the tears off her face. I looked her in the eyes, and she nodded, I walked her back to the bus. Before I got on, I heard my phone go off. Shit. It was my Aunt.. Fuck, What do I say? I had Lana go back inside, I answered the call.

"Hello?" I scrunched my face while I heard her scream 'where the hell are you!? You were supposed to check in! Why aren't you home yet!' I tried to explain to her,

"Mae, don't worry, I'm fine. I don't really know where I am at the moment."

        Fuck. I'm so dead, she's going to know exactly why I don't know.

"How do you not know Destiny!? What happened last night!?" She screamed through the phone, hurting my ears.

"Mae, please calm down, I'm sorry I didn't check in, I don't remember what happened last night, all I remember is getting VIP passes and going to a club-" she cut me off, and screamed louder.

"YOU DID WHAT, DESTINY HOPE TENITY, YOU BETTER HOPE YOU LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY!" I sat there as she just screamed at me telling me how irresponsible I was.

   ...Soon later Craig, Tj, and Thrasher came up, Craig knowing exactly what was happening he snatched my phone and started talking.

"Hey, its Craig, from Escape the Fate, Destiny is fine and dandy, she didn't do anything bad last night I promise you, I know you are worried, but could I ask, can she come to the next concert a town or two over? I'll make sure she is safe and has a way back."

         I was in utter shock, why would he want to hang out with some fan? Not just any fan, me? My aunt had calmed down and Craig was still talking. I was too drowned in thought to listen to what they were saying. I heard him end the call with a friendly 'bye' and handed my phone to me with a smile. I looked up at him, surprised.

"wow, how did you calm her down?"

"I just talked her through everything and told her what happened," He shrugged, he was holding a bottle of jack, jack for breakfast, sounds like something Craig would do.

        He smiled at me, "also, you get to stay over night for today's and tomorrow's concert, then Monday you go home. I almost pissed myself, holy shit. THE Craig Mabbitt wants ME to stay for a couple nights. I jumped up and hugged him, I mumbled 'thank you so much' into the crook of his neck he chuckled and said 'no problem'.

         We walked on the bus and saw Max and Lana getting comfy again, looks like they settled their argument, I thought to myself. Tj yelled as he got on the bus, "I'VE GOT MCDONALD'S!!!!! Who wants some?" He said holding it up in the air, max practically tackled him to the ground, grabbing a bag.

       Tj getting up and mumbling 'pig', I laughed and sat down and started eating.These few couple of days are going to be so sick. I smiled to myself. And we all ate.

        We were on the road, heading to the next venue, Thrasher was back, and Lana still stuck to Max's side, you would think that Max's girlfriend would be on the bus but she wasn't. I laid next to Craig on the bus sofa, watching Max and Craig playing a intense game of Call of duty, Lana was siting next to max, Tj was texting on his phone, Robert was Skyping his girlfriend, and Thrasher was sleeping. A couple hours later, Lana and I both fell asleep. Me on Craig, her on Max. The bus stopped and I woke up, Craig making food. The door opened and Lacy came through the door, to find Max and Lana cuddled up and sleeping. She let out a scream, waking Max and Lana up,

"OH MY GOD MAX!!!!" she screamed, Max shot up, rubbing his sleepy eyes, after he finally knew what had happened. He froze, he started to explain to Lacy,

"Lacy I-" but before he could explain Lacy stomped over to Lana and grabbed her by the hair,

"WHAT THE FUCK LACY, LET ME GO!" Max just stood there, shock all over his face, as Lana was flailing in Lacy's grasp. Lacy dragged Lana towards the door and threw her outside. I stood there, same as Max. Then it went way too far.

"Slut!!!" Lacy sneered at Lana, then spit on her. I finally snapped back into reality, I was furious. I let out a battle cry and lunged on Lacy,

"YOU STUPID FUCKING CUNT!!!!" I screamed as I punched her in the face a couple times, but before I could pack a few more punches in, Craig picked me up and bear hugged me. Me, kicking to get free. Nobody treats my friend like that, never.

        Lana was okay, she just had a few strands of hair ripped out. Lacy, however, had a black eye and a busted lip. Max and Lacy had left the bus to work things out. And I can't believe after my outburst Craig still let me stay. What have I done? Will Max hate me? Did I just fuck up his relationship?  I felt horrible, I climbed in the first empty bunk and cried myself to sleep.

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