Chapter Twelve: Tears And Bruises

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*These next chapters are going to be so hard to write. Please. Bare with me. :,(*

*Destiny's POV*

Leaving Craig was so hard. Seeing his face while the taxi drove away really killed me. I turned around after I was done waving goodbye. I felt bad I didn't say anything to Craig. I just couldn't speak. Like I lost my voice.

I started to cry a little. But I sucked it up, and then I remembed what Aunt Mae said before I left for a few days.


"Honey.." she trailed off, "Your mom, has decided to come back and take you."

~End of flashback~

I remember everything. Why did I totally forget about it when I stayed there? Why am I just now starting to worry? I cried into my hands until I heard the taxi say we were at the train station. I paid him and got my stuff out, walking to the window for my ticket. I got my ticket and sat there waiting for my train to arrive.

I don't want to go back, I don't want to have to face the woman who left me when I was 8 and abandoned me for 9 years. Not ever writing me a letter, not an e-mail, not even a phone call to explain herself. I remember the day she left like it was yesterday.


I was siting on the beaten down sofa, watching my cartoons from a small

t.v. with a fuzzy screen. It always smelt bad in the tiny, dirty apartment. The carpets where brown with a ton of rips and black spots. I had a tiny matress with no frame. It was only a one bedroom, so I slept in a big closet in the living room; if you can even call it a living room.

I heard a guy knock on the door, I got up from the sofa and opened a door. An ugly man stood there, he smelt of hard liquor and cigarettes. He was drunk. He glared down at me, and smacked me in the face. My mom had beat me all the time, so I was used to it.

He pushed me aside and looked around the room, he turned back to me.

"Where's your mom you little bitch." I didn't dare speak, nor talk back, I didn't want to get hit anymore. I pointed to the stairs. He walked up stairs. And then I heard a crash.

I ran and hid in my closet/room, like I always did when my mom and her boyfriend fought. He always would get mad at mommy when she brought home other men. They always went to her room, and never stayed long.

My mom always hid in her room, either with another guy, or injecting a needle in her arm, I walked in on her doing both of those before. She yelled at me and told me to leave her alone. I listened. The house was really dirty, mom never cleaned, I was always hungry, mom didn't bring food home very often, the neighbors would always come over and bring me supper most of the time.

Mom used to hit me for stupid reasons.. she wouldn't just smack me, she would get stuff and beat me with it. The neighbors noticed that I had bruises all over my body. But I told them I just crashed on my bike. However, my mom had sold it.

The only place I felt safe was school. My mom had no money to buy me clothes or supplies so my homeroom teacher would take me after school to get me clothes and even food. She was my savior.

I still hid in my closet, listening to them yell. Soon I heard someone stomp down stairs and slam the front door. I stayed in my closet and laid on my mattress. I heard another person come down and walk to my room. Jeff opened the door.

I thought to myself, what is he going to do to me now? He smirked at me evily. I shook with fear, a grimace on my face. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me, he was hurting me

"Jeff, you are hurting me" I whimpered

"Shut up!" He yelled at me. He pulled me to the door and locked the door.

He then began to drag me upstairs. What is he going to do to me!?  I already had dark purple hand prints on my arm. He threw me on my mom's bed. "Strip you bitch." He said after throwing me on the bed.

I backed up against the wall. I was scared for my life.

"What do you mean?" I whimpered, he walked over and smacked me in the head. I started to cry.

"Don't you cry Dessy. Or I will give you something to cry about. Now take off your clothes." He yelled. I started to take off my clothes. I remember at school someone once talked to the class, saying if anyone said they wanted to touch you, you scream. I screamed.

He ran over to me and covered my mouth. Then punching me in the gut. My face was covered in tears. I stopped screaming and whimpered in pain. Only tears came out. I had a rainbow of different colors of purple and blue bruises on me.

He pushed me on the bed, and then felt a massive pain in my lower region. I screeched in agony. But soon to be hit again, and he covered my mouth.

"Are you done screaming?" He whispered, I smelt his horrid breath smack me in the face. I nodded. Be began to thrust into me hard, hiting me once in a while. I sobbed silently. He finally he stopped. My body screamed at me in pain.

He put his clothes back on, them spat on me. I laid there. Not knowing what to do. He soon left. I went back down stairs. I remembered when my homeroom teacher said that if I ever needed her I could call. I had her number in my backpack. I got it out and ran to the home phone we had. "This number has been disconnected due to over due bills-" I hung the phone back up.

I stood there and thought. I remember my mom had some change in her room. I ran upstairs and snatched it. I ran back downstairs, I put the few possessions I had in my school bag. And walked out the door. It was dark and cold. I put on my jacket and zipped it up, making sure that I put my hood on and covered my bruised and cut face. I walked for what seemed to be hours, even though I was in pain I kept walking.

I soon walked up to a seven-eleven and found a payphone. Finally. I put the asked amount and dialed the number on the paper. She answered


I cried softly,

"Mae? It's Destiny." Ms. Tension told me to call her Mae after school hours.

"Des! What's wrong! Are you alright!?"

"No. Please come get me. I need you.I'm hurt." She sounded frantic and she I asked me where I was. I didn't know streets but I told her it was the seven-eleven by the bridge. She told me to stay where I was until she came. I sat on the curb.

About 10 minutes Mae came and scooped me up. And set me in the back of the car quickly. We drove to her home, and we went inside. She rushed me to the bathroom, removing my jacket. She saw all the bruises and cuts. I barely had any pink skin left that wasn't purple or blue.

She took me to the hospital. A police man came and asked me questions, I told Mae and the police man everything when i sat in a hostpital bed with an IV in my arms and covered in a blanket. My mom came to the hospital, she didn't come see me, she didn't look at me, she didn't talk to me. She had papers in her hand and she handed them to the police and left, the police man told me i would be staying with Mae now. He handed her the papers and that was the last time I saw my mom.

~End of flashback~

I cried silently, then I heard the train attendant say that bus 12 to Mesa was here. I boarded. I sat in my seat and looked out side for a couple of minutes. And soon fell asleep, my head resting on the window.

**Well, I need to end this here. If I made you cry. I'm sorry. This chapter was really enotional.. there are no ETF verses in this chapter. The next chapter will be Des's POV continued. And I will post it later.**


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