Chapter Sixteen: Dreams

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*So here's the deal. You member when Lana passed out? Well there's going to be a max POV for that. So don't be confused. It will go back in time. Hope you like this next chapter*


*Craig's POV*

I stood up and shook the doctors hand, I told him that I was Des's boyfriend. He looked at his clipboard again.

He had me sit down in the chair, and he sit on another chair. He began to talk ,

"Destiny is in critical condition, she was raped many times, we say 2 times before yesterday. Right now, she is in a coma. She had suffered so much trauma that she has slipped into a coma. We aren't totally sure when she will wake up, but we say a about a week to two weeks. Unfortunately, from all the abuse and wounds, she will have scars on her back. Other then that, she will physically  be ok. Her lower region will heal over time, I do not advise sexual activity for a couple months."

I tried not to cry, but I couldn't hold it in. I looked at Des. The monitor hooked up to her, the tubes sticking out of everywhere. I couldn't stand it, I needed a break.

"I'm really sorry about the news. We are trying as best as we can. Thankfully, Destiny isn't pregnant. She was raped by 7 men. You would think she was pregnant. A normal person probably would have died from so much abuse and trauma. Just have hope Craig."

I had heard enough. The doctor walked out, I walked to Des, I kissed her forhead and left the room to the cafeteria, I hadn't eaten in awhile.

*Des's POV*

I was back on the bus with Craig, cuddling with him in his bunk. Everything was fine, like none of the that stuff happened in the basement. I just ignored it, I didn't want to think about it. I just kept living my life. I felt like I was living a dream. Well duh Des, you're dating a rockstar.

Years flew by, me and Craig were married, had our own house and two children. It was like everyday was another year. I loved it. But it ended too soon, eveything had turned to black. I opened my eyes, I heard a monitor, the light had burned my eyes. My eyes took awhile to adjust, I looked to the side, a heart monitor, beeping slowly. I sat up staring around, what had happened, why am I in the hospital?

I looked at my legs, bruised. It all came back to me. I looked to the other side of me, a sleepy Craig holding my hand. I smiled and began to cry. He looked exhausted, I laid back down, careful not to wake him up. He needed to sleep. About an hour later a nurse came in, she looked at me and squealed, waking Craig up.

"Mrs. Tenison is awake!" I was confused. Why was she so happy I was awake? Craig stirred and sat up. Staring at me for a moment, before flipping out, he was almost in tears. It warmed my heart.  He carefully grabbed my face and kissed me. God I missed this man.

I pulled away, he moaned.

"Craig? What did that nurse mean?" His face changed, with a sympathetic look.

"Des, the things you went through were so traumatic, you went into a trauma coma. You have been sleeping for almost a month now." My jaw dropped. A month of sleeping, that was so long.

He grabbed my hands, and looked me in the eye.

"I put off every concert, and slept in here every single night, waiting for this moment here. For you to wake up, and be happy again, with me." He got up and held my face.

"Des, will you be my girlfriend? I care about you so much! Don't worry about school, you can finish that online. You can have a permanent spot in my bunk on the tour bus, right next to me. Just please. Be my girlfriend." I started to cry, he whiped my tears.

"I thought you would never ask Craig." I got out the hospital bed, put my arms around his neck, and kissed him passionately. I think I loved this man. I wonder if he loved me.

The doctor later came in, and said that I could leave in a few days, after I eat solid foods and got stronger. When he left, I turned to Craig and scrunched my nose.

"What Des?" I laughed, and said

"Craig, sense I'm awake an all, go shower. You stink" I started laughing really hard. He pouted

"But I missed you, and now you're awake! I want to spend time with you!"

"No butts, Craig. You stink. You can spend as much time with me as you want. After you shower. Now go." He kissed me, and grumbled a 'fine' before leaving. I had told the nurse to call my Aunt Mae. She wasn't my real aunt. I just had always called her Aunt.

They called her, and she arrived soon later. In tears when she walked in, she rushed to me and kissed me all over my face and sobbing on me.

"I thought you would never wake up Des. You scared me so much. I should have never let you go back. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry sweetheart."

Mae blaming this on herself hurt me. It wasn't her fault. It was no ones fault, but Jen's sick mind. At least I wasn't killed. I'm happy I'm alive and gaining strength.

"Mae, its not you're fault. It's okay. I love you. Just be thankful I'm awake and working my way to being healthy again. Be thankful that I actually woke up."

She smiled at me and kissed my forhead. Unfortunately, she had to leave back to work. We said our goodbyes and she left the room.

My stomach grumbled. I waited for Craig to get back. About an hour later he was back. I didn't want to get up.

"Craiiigggg??" I said in a baby voice


I stuck my lip out,

"I'm hungry." He chuckled at me, and helped me out of bed to the elevator to the Cafeteria.

We got our food and sat down. I asked him what gone on and he told me something quite interesting. That Tj said I slept with him, I swear I didn't, and if I did I didn't remember. I do remember getting out of Tj's bed naked..

"After you went into the coma, Tj had told me that when you were drunk, he took you back to the bus and had sex with you, so basically he took advantage of you. So, I beat the shit out of him, then he told me that he slapped you for no reason, that he was using you being naked against you, when it was really his fault you were naked." Poor Tj.

I was surprised, but I honestly didn't care. All that meant, was Tj was my first time, not counting the rape when I was 8.. but I didn't remember a single thing.

A few days later I was able to go home, on a strict diet, and bed rest. Sense we were on our way to another tour, I'd be laying around a lot while we were on the road. Things seemed to change, Kevin and Lana were still together, but there was a lot of awkwardness and tension between Kevin, Lana, and Max.

I wish I wasn't asleep for so long. I didn't want to miss a minute of anything, but then again I was thankful I was alive, not too damaged from the rape, that I was with an amazing rockstar, and surrounded by the people who saved me and cared about me. I couldn't ask for more.

*Yay!!! She wakes up!! Craig was so happy ;-; lol. So do you think Des is still traumatized by what had happened? Hmm.. maybe we will find out. I'm surprised that nobody has asked about Des's dad Haha! Or the reason why Des Called Mae 'Aunt' Mae.. so did you guys like it? I'm so sorry I didn't update as much as I usually would, I was sick and depressed today. I'll be better tomorrow. C; thanks for pressuring me to update guise. You know, I kinda have a life lol. (just saying) *


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