Chapter 15 - The Parents Day Disaster

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"Alright, class. I hope that you all are prepared for today's class. Especially, since this will be your final practice before tomorrow's Parents Day tournament.."

Anastasia stifled a yawn, she had completely forgot about the annual tournament that the academy hosted every year on their Parents Day. It had completely slipped her mind, but with what had happened 4 days ago, she felt that it was perfectly justified.

"So? Do we have a deal?"

The girl bit her lip, indecision written plainly on her face. Aeron grinned at her, all sly and full of promises. "Relax, it won't harm you in anyway, except maybe make you tired for a few hours. Absolutely nothing some rest can't fix."

"When you say 'around a glass full', how long would that be in days?" She questioned carefully.

The teen looked thoughtful, "If I were to leave enough for you would probably take 5 days."

Both were silent for a moment, the girl thinking through the entire thing carefully while the boy grinned contentedly. "If I agree to your deal," the girl ventured, voice still tinged with a heavy amount of skepticism. "then you will answer my questions right?"

Aeron nodded, staring down at the girl -somehow during the time she spent thinking, he had managed to float and was now floating upside down above her-. "Well, not 'answer' precisely. I'll give you hints per say and that's it."

"But, it will answer my questions, won't it." The girl persisted, eyes determined.

"Yes it will. You'll see, I told you a surprise was coming anyways."

Anastasia breathed deeply before letting it out. Steadily, she held out her shaking hand to grip his outstretched one. "Alright. Deal."

The answering grin he gave her was both smug and menacing. "Great. I'll collect it every night."

"How?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. "Are you gonna sneak into my room like an old fashioned vampire?"

The teen laughed, "Very funny. When you fall asleep, I'll slip into your mind and take the needed magic before going again."

The girl narrowed her eyes at him, already feeling the darkness creeping around once more. "How are you able to go into my mind anyways? Who are you?"

"Don't worry, I'm the only one who can possibly go inside your mind." His blood red eyes gleamed with hidden knowledge and his lips stretched into a knowing smirk. "As for who I am, well, let's just say...I'm an old friend."

Then, once again, her vision went dark.

That day she had woke up to a strong pounding in her head and sound of Aeron's chuckle echoing in her ear.

Reborn's call of her name made her snap her eyes open, simply to stare straight into black ones. The girl took a minute to process that yes it was, in fact Reborn's eyes before she bit her lip to withhold the shriek she would have let out. The girl jumped backwards, a hand on her chest. "Reborn! Don't surprise me like that!"

The man quirked an eyebrow in response, "I did call your name."

"Yeah, but I never thought that you were that close." She replied, a dark flush on her cheeks, one she hoped he wouldn't notice, but from the smug look on his face she knew that he did. "Anyways, what is it?"

The man stared at her, and Anastasia began to understand how the hitman had amassed the huge number of lovers he previously had. Leonora had been more than happy to tell her of every little detail. The man stared at you like you are the only thing he sees, that you are all that matters to him-like she was the only one he sees. Anastasia was sure that her blush had intensified, even as she determinedly held his eyes.

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