Chapter 26 - Dawn of the Revolt

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The usually spacious room was oddly packed tonight, something Kraus had easily taken note of as he maneuvered his way inside the crowded room. Despite how the man had mostly barged his way through the throngs of people, the affected bystanders had needed to take only one look at the brunette man before turning away. 

The man's ire was clearly depicted on his face, brown eyes dark with anger. With how the news of his recent outburst in the office, most are wary of being caught up in another. Therefore, despite their own growing irritation at the entire situation many of the room's occupants had kept a wide berth between Robert Kraus and themselves.

"Smith! What the hell is this all about?!" The man bellowed as he reached the small circle of individuals clustered in the center of the room. "And why the hell is everyone here?!"

The addressed man rubbed tiredly at his forehead, green eyes weary. "Don't ask me Kraus, I'm just here on orders much like you are." He replied, giving a quick glance around them, he continued on in a lower tone. "Apparently, the head honchos received a letter just before we were all asked to convene here."

That certainly caught the brunette man's attention. There was very little that could frighten the higher ups into direct action, and with the past killings, he had a strong hunch on just who had sent that letter.

"No one's said a word about who had sent that letter or why we were all asked to gather here, but it must be huge. Reckon it's related to all those killings recently?"

Robert was saved from having to answer the question as an official made his way towards the front of the room. He had assumed that someone from the upper ranks would be the one to address the situation, but upon closer inspection the man standing in front of them was someone they often assigned to handle their public representation. 

As the obvious decoy cleared his throat and turned to address the anxious crowd, Robert Kraus instead turned to scan at the room. Taking note of how the room itself was lined with heavily armored guards, in addition to the stationed guards standing guard outside the door. The man narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing his surroundings with more care, catching a brief glimpse of growing ripples in the air. A sign of barrier preparations, that was when it dawned on him.

This was a large elaborate trap.

Suddenly, the large central doors opened with a loud bang!

Despite how the building should have been brightly lit, the door had instead opened up to darkness from which fog began to pour in. That started the mass panic, the room erupted in shouts and shrieks as people scrambled away from the pitch black hallway. Despite the ruckus occurring, they were all still able to clearly hear the distinct sound of approaching footsteps. Regardless of that, what alerted the occupants of the room of just who was approaching was the glimpse of the approaching glowing orbs of colour.

Soon enough, the fog parted to reveal seven individuals. Gasps and murmurs began to fill the room as the present occupants began to identify the appearance of the group. However, Robert Kraus only had sights on one. 

For there standing proudly in the center of the group, flanked by the ever present hitman and the blonde ex-soldier was Azazel herself. The famous Meister of the feared Arcobaleno was dressed in a black off-the-shoulder gown, a slight train of the fabric trailing behind her, the dark colour of her attire contrasting greatly with her silver hair and glowing orange eyes. There was another wave of awed gasps as the masses noticed the white feathered wings folded on her back. 

The angel's eyes twinkled with amusement at the various reactions visible, a smirk pulling at her red lips.

"Good evening everyone, I hope we aren't late to the party."

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