Chapter 19 - Azazel

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Hello everyone, I'm very sorry about the long absence of this story but university life is harder than I expected and I wasn't really able to find a time to write. So as an apology, this chapter is extra long and I will be posting another bonus chapter soon. Hope you all like it :)


The hitman reappeared on top of a grassy hill, dotted with Maple, Lindens trees and small yellow daisies. The man stared blankly at his scenery for a moment before his widened slightly in realization, taking in the familiar setting with a sense of nostalgia and sadness. For he stood at the place where he last saw Azazel before he lost her to the clutches of humans.

This was where everything started and ended.

And just like those years long ago, he was left staring at her back as she stood atop the hill facing the city. She looked so much alike herself back then and yet so different. Gone was the previously silver hair and golden eyes, and instead what flowed in the wind was onyx black as grey eyes glimmered in the sunlight.

Around her, littered the unconcious bodies of several men, who he knew where dispatched with the intent to kill her off. Reborn huffed, amused, it was always something he found strange of humans; they always believed that they could win simply by overpowering their foe. Even when they know they can't, they simply continue to forge on.

"Still up with your old habits of sparing them aren't you?" He commented idly, moving towards her.

"They don't deserve to die just because they followed orders, Renato."

The hitman shrugged, "That's usually how it works in this world."

"Well, the world is a cruel place but that doesn't mean that we have to live with it." Anastasia replied softly, eyes still trained towards the pink horizon.

"Sometimes it is much easier to simply go with the flow and not forge our own path." Reborn muttered softly, standing a hair's breath away from her. "Afterall, ignorance is bliss."

Anastasia hummed lightly, "Ignorance certainly is bliss, however, knowledge is power and in our world, power is dangerous."

"We would know all about that, wouldn't we?" The girl simply turned her head away, not wanting to rise to the bait the hitman had dangled out. Eyes resolutely staring away from peering obsidian orbs.

"There was always I question I wanted to ask you, Aza." The hitman murmured into her ear; deadly and fond all at the same time. "Think you can answer it?"

Anastasia gulped even as her flashed gold with hidden knowledge and memories. "That highly depends on said question."

"Then let's cut to the chase shall we?" Reborn questioned with a smirk before it straightened out and a serious glint entered the man's eyes. "Why'd you do it?"

"Do what?" The girl retorted, rolling her eyes lightly. "Honestly Renato, you need to be more specific when asking questions."

"Why did you decide to perish right in front of our eyes." The man gritted out, "When you possibly knew that it would happen; that you would..."

Steady silence encompassed the duo as the winds rushed through their hair. The girl stood; her back to the hitman as her golden eyes glowed, face conflicted by both the memories rushing through her mind and the hitman's request.

"Because it was the best choice I—no, Azazel— could make at that exact moment."

"How exactly is making us watch you die the best choice you could make?!" Reborn snarled out, fury highlighting his very posture. "You could've called for us! Or bought time to let us get to you! Anything was better than making us watch as your eyes went dim!"

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