Chapter 17 - The Arcobaleno Curse

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"You look as beautiful as ever."

Anastasia bared her teeth in a grim semblance of a smile. "And you sound as creepy as ever."

Kraus chuckled, stepping towards her. He moved several steps before raising his hands as gold magic flared around him in warning.

"Stay where you are Kraus, before I take matters into my own hands and kill you off myself." The girl uttered, calmly, deathly promise lacing her every word.

"You could never, both as Azazel and as Anastasia Millefiore." The man sneered, lips curling into a dark smirk. "After all, if you could, I would be dead already."

"You never know, maybe I left you alive to wait for the perfect moment." The girl smiled, all cold and emotionless. "Revenge is a dish best served cold, after all.

"Stop this useless chatter." The man grounded out, hands curled into tight fists from where it rested at his side. "The final Arcobaleno has awoken, therefore you're powers must have been restored. Hand it over."

There was silence, and then the girl's shoulders shook, her body trembling slightly from the movements. Before long, Anastasia let out a bellowing laugh, one dripping with mirthless laughter and so full of pity that Kraus recoiled. The girl's head was thrown back, golden eyes closed as her voice filled the room.

"Enough!" The man barked, stepping close enough to feel the pressure of the girl's magic as he did. "Give me what I wanted. Now!"

Slowly, Anastasia's laughter tapered off, and the girl took in several deep breaths before she answered, voice breathy and filled with conviction. "What you wanted could never be yours, Kraus. For you are not one of the chosen, you are not one of us. You are not an Arcobaleno. "


Reborn aimed his gun at another men blocking his way before a feeling of nostalgia washed through him. The man tensed slightly even as he pulled the trigger in one swift stroke.

The man prowled through the halls like a roaming predator, Leon-gun held in hand. Another wave of men moved to corner him was dealt with swiftly as if on instinct while his eyes searched for something he couldn't see but knew he felt.

"Hitman. You're distracted." Came Vivien's soft voice through his earpiece.

"I felt it. Her magic." Reborn replied, voice low as he continued to stalked forwards. "She's nearby."

"What you do mean?" Verde questioned, muted screams coming from his end of the line.

Reborn chuckled darkly, shooting another 3 men in quick successions. "Can't you feel it, you crazy scientist? The feeling of completeness, the singing in your blood and bond."

There was a moment of silence as the other Arcobalenos closed their eyes to search through their bond.

Before sharp gasps of realization and soon excited voices sounded through out the earpiece.

"She's back." Collonello spoke, the large grin evident in his voice. "She's finally back."

"It's fine to be happy and all," drawled Leonora's voice as shots rang through her end. "but a little focus would be appreciated right now."

Verde huffed. "As loathed as I am to admit it, the assassin's right. We better hurry, if we want to get her back."

"Screw you, you lousy scientist. Once this is over, I'll slice you open myself." The woman replied, annoyance lacing her voice as she silenced a man's scream.

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