Chapter 13 - A Partner For The Ball

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"Sis, what's that on your neck?"

Anastasia blinked at her brother, momentarily tearing her eyes away from the book in her hands. "What?"

Hadrian's green eyes stared back at her, filled with confusion and slight disgust. "There, on your neck. There's like this green lizard thing curled on your neck."

Anastasia blinked again, tilting her head downwards to stare into slitted yellow eyes. The chameleon blinked lazily at her, before laying his head back down; seemingly falling asleep.

"Oh, this is Leon, the chameleon. He's Reborn's animal companion, somehow he likes me more than his own owner."

Her brother stared at her, or more specifically at Leon incredulously. "That's a chameleon?"

"That's exactly what I said the first time I saw him!" Anastasia stated before laughing, hand idly rubbing Leon's head soothingly. "But, he really is a chameleon, a magical one though at the very least."

"There's a magical chameleon?" Her brother parroted, staring at Leon intently.

Anastasia huffed, "Apparently."

Hadrian blinked before he shook his head as if trying to rid of a notion. "The absolute weirdest things happen around you. I should follow you around just to see these things, maybe we'll find aliens next."

"Don't even joke about that." Anastasia replied, horrified at the thought.

"Well, from crazy strong Miods and magical animals; aliens don't seem too far of a reach."

Anastasia rolled her eyes at his words. "Alright, what is it you want?"

"Can't a brother visit his favourite sister?"

"I'm the only sister you have, unless you count our cousins." The girl replied deadpanned.

Hadrian huffed, "Mom and Dad are hosting this party thing; somehow it's mandatory for each family to host it at least once. We have to be there, no exceptions."

Anastasia groaned, slumping on her chair and placing her head on the desk. "God, why."

"I know, you should have seen my face when mom told me." Her brother said, his own face just as weary and tired. "But, we have to suck it up. At least it's just one night; filled with thinly disguised horrors."

"I am not socializing. With anyone."

Her brother eyed her skeptically, "I don't think that's possible, you are the oldest therefore the heiress."

"Noo, I don't want to be the eldest anymore. Just take my spot." Came the slightly muffled whine from the girl.

"Can't!" Her brother replied cheerily, not the least sorry. "Well, at least you get to bring someone with you. You have to bring a plus one, remember?"

Hadrian stared as his sister swiveled her head so fast he was surprised it didn't hurt. Anastasia on the other hand simply stared at him, an expression of horror etched on her face.

"How is that better?" She questioned, voice tinged with disbelief and horror. "There will be a blood bath."

"Wait, during the party you mean?" Her brother questioned, confusion in his voice.

"No, I mean in deciding on who goes with me. But that too." Anastasia replied, "Have you forgotten who and what my Miods are?"

Green eyes widened with recognition, "Oh God, there's going to be an all out battle between them is there?"

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