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"I'm so tired . . ." said Brandon groggily. Then he quickly sat up and got ready when he remembered that he had a date today with Carmen. He quickly jumped in the shower and while he was showering he just peed in the shower.

  After the got dressed, combed his hair, and brushed his teeth, he drank two cups of coffee and he was searching on his phone the best restaurants.

  "Ah, here's one," he said. He went on his calling app and called Carmen, who happened to call him at the same time. 

  Brandon have a chuckle and answered the call. 

  "Guess what? I found a restaurant!" Carmen exclaimed over the phone. 

  "Thats what I was calling to tell you!" (Lol I love coincidences.)

  "So do we meet each other there?" Brandon asked, finishing his third cup of coffee.

  "Yeah sure," 

  Brandon slipped his phone in his back pocket and walked out headed to the restaurant.


He turned around and found his girlfriend waiting for him right behind him. He went up to her and hugged her. "I'm soo hungry," said Carmen, rubbing her stomach.

  Brandon laughed. "Yeah me too," he said. They both walked inside and when they sat down at their table, a wave of pain washed over him and Brandon stiffened up.

  "Hey, babe, you okay..?" asked Carmen, tilting her head to the side.

  A bit surprised, he quickly nodded. "Um, yeah, I'm good," he replied.

  A nice woman gave them some water. "Thanks," Brandon said. He shifted in his seat so he would be a bit more comfortable.

A few minutes later, the same woman handed them some pamphlets and later went back for their order.

   "I'll take the crunchy spicy California roll," said Carmen, her mouth already watering.

  She turned to Brandon. "And you?" she asked.

  Just as Brandon was about to talk, he started dribbling and his hand quickly shot down to his crotch, trying not to show that he was holding himself. "Hm . . . I'll have what she's having," he replied, sweating.

  She nodded and took the pamphlets and Carmen turned to Brandon. "I didn't know you like California rolls now," she commented.

  I ordered that? He thought. He hated that kind of sushi and Carmen knew it.

  Looking concerned, Carmen looked at Brandon. "You feeling alright..?" She asked.

  Brandon bit his lip pressed his thighs together. "I-I'm okay..." He stammered.

  Later (whats with me and saying later??? XD) the woman gave them their food and Brandon was shaking, fidgeting, and squirming.

  Carmen looked up from eating and she noticed him bouncing a bit. "Brandon what's wrong?" she asked again.

  Brandon flushed slightly, cursing himself for actually doing the potty dance. He gulped, not really knowing what to say besides the truth. "Um . . . I kinda . . ." he spurted again and he bent over, holding himself harder. "Ireallygottagotothebathroom." He quickly said, his face turning darker than Carmen's hair.

  "Oh . . ." she said, lightly blushing. "Well you can go, I'm not holding you back." 

  Just as he was about to get up, pee warmed his crotched and it spread around him and it fell onto the ground, making it sound like rain. Brandon bit his lip to the point it was bleeding to keep from moaning but he felt so relieved now.

  "T-too late . . ." he said, looking down. 

 After Brandon finished, tears started to build in his eyes. He couldn't believe he had made a fool of himself. On a date. In front of his girlfriend. What else could go wrong?

"I'm so sorry Carmen," said Brandon.

  Carmen smiled. "It's okay," she said. "Wanna go home and change? I'll pay for the food and everything."

  Brandon nodded and ran outside the restaurant.

(I kinda had no idea how to end it....)

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