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**after Mikyah and Raven stayed up all night playing video games

"Mikyah," said Raven, poking her on her head. She blinked sleepily and shifted some.

  "Hm...?" she mumbled.

  Raven poked he again. "Um could you get up please? I gotta pee."

  A small idea popped into her head and she smirked. She shifted around some more, pretending to be sleep and not hearing Raven.

  "Mikyah," he said a bit more loudly. 

  She giggled and covered her smile to keep from looking obvious.

He sighed, knowing she was the worst at trying to do something secretive. "Mikyah...I know you're awake," he said. "Cmon, I'm gonna piss myself,"

  When she heard that she had a small pang of guilt but she knew she'll never have this happen to her ever again. Instead of getting off of him she lightly pressed on his bladder.

  Raven blushed a deep red and gripped himself. "Ah...I...can't hold it. Mikyah please."

  Mikyah's face started to feel warm and she felt really bad now but she also felt really evil. Sooo she sat up, pushing on his bladder and Raven jolted up holding himself with both hands. When they both looked at his crotch it had a small wet patch and Raven's face turned red.

"M-Mikyah...please Im gonna piss myself," he almost wailed and she blinked, realizing he wasn't kidding at all.

  She got off of him and Raven bolted in the bathroom, without locking or closing the door. He quickly tried unzipping his zipper but it was stuck (ah the classic XD) and he bit his lip as pee started to warm his crotch and his legs, making them warm then cold.

  He covered his face and still tried to unzip his zipper but more pee came out of him and it started to puddle around his feet.

  "Ah shit," he grumbled to himself.

  Mikyah went to go check on him since he was in the bathroom for a while and she blinked not exactly knowing what to do.

  "Oh...Raven...I'm sorry," she said, blushing.

  "Nah...its fine," he said, scratching the back of his head. "I'll just clean this up and take a quick shower..."

  "I'll help too," she said.

  Raven looked at her and smiled. "Oh great, thanks."

Mikyah the Knight OmorashiWhere stories live. Discover now