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"Hey, don't drink too much juice or you're not gonna be able to actually eat dinner," Halo told Fira. 

  "Okie dokie," she replied, putting down her fifth glass of grape juice. Fira used a fork to pick up a shrimp and she popped it in her mouth. 

  Earlier, Halo decided to take Fira out since Mikyah and the rest had to go on a mission. It was too dangerous for her, so Halo stayed to take care of her while they were gone.

  A bit later, Fira could fell the juice filling up on her bladder, but she decided to ignore it. They almost never go to restaurants so why ruin it because of a small need?

  "Man, I'm stuffed," said Halo, patting his stomach.

  "Me too," Fira also said, patting her stomach. She accidentally patted her bladder and she gave a small spurt. She winced and held her crotch.

  Halo looked at Fira concerned. "You okay?" He asked.

  "I'm okay," she said, releasing her grip on her crotch. "Can we go to the park now?"

  "Yeah, sure," Halo said. "Anything."

  Later, Fira was sitting on Halo shoulders and he bladder was almost filled to her maximum. About a 9. 

  Wow, how much juice did I drink? She asked herself. She shrugged her shoulders and looked straight ahead. The sun was bright and it was a warm windy day. A perfect day for a trip to the park.

  What could go wrong?

  "Look, there it is," Halo called, pointing at the playground ahead of them.

  "Awesome," agreed Fira. Maybe the park would distract her from her current situation.

  Halo put Fira down and she could feel the liquid sloshing around in her bladder. She winced at the pain and she resited bending over.

  A few minutes later, it started to get scorchingly hot and Fira was at the edge of losing it.

  "Hey, I'm gonna get some ice cream for the two of us, what flavor do you want?" Halo asked, squatting to Fira's height. 

  "Why not rocky road?" She said, crossing her legs as soon as she felt a spurt escape her.

  "Okay, I'll be right back, don't go running off, 'Kay?" 


 Fira walked over to the monkey bars and grabbed onto one of the poles. 

  A wave of pain washed over her and she accidentally let go, a long spurt escaped her panties and onto her legs.

"No~," she almost whimpered.

  Then a group of boys walked over and crowded around Fira.

  "Oh, look at cat girl have to pee," said one of the boys.

  "Can't she just go in a litter box?" Asked one of the boys and the rest of them laughed. Fira held her crotch tight and she looked at the boys with fearful eyes. She can always kick butt no matter what, but she couldn't really stand right now.

  "Leave me alone," Fira said, her voice shakier than ever. "W-what do you want?"

  One of the boys, who seemed to be the leader, crouched down and looked at Fira. "What I want is for you to pee yourself." He answered.

  The living hell? She thought.

  Then the leader pushed her bladder with his hand and Fira had spurted. The pee made her fingers warm and a few drops fell on the concrete. 

  "Ah~ p-please stop," Fira wailed. She gripped her crotch harder and she leaked again.

  Another boy moved Fira's hands from her crotch. "Why? We're just having some fun," he replied. 

  The leader pushed on her bladder, but this time harder and Fira lost control.

  Pee sprayed out of her panties as a puddle formed around her and on the bottom of her skirt. Some of the urine traveled down and surrounded her shoes.

  (Halo's POV)

  After the ice cream people gave me our ice cream, I went to check on Fira.

  I looked around and didn't find her. "Fira?" I called. "Fira, I have your ice cream. Fira?"

  I started to check around the monkey bars and I saw her crowded around a group of boys. The smell of urine was strong around that area and I grimaced.

  "Fira?" I called. "The hell is going on?"

  The group of boys turned around and and started running. I looked at them then at Fira. I ran up to Fira and crouched.

  "What happened?" I asked her. 

  She looked at me with fearful eyes then cried. I put our ice cream on a bench and I put my hand on her shoulder.

  "Um, those b-boys forced me to p-pee myself . . ." she said, wiping away her tears.

  "Oh, but why didnt you tell me you had to go before?" I asked, feeling sorry for her.

  "I didn't wanna miss a moment of this day because of something small," she answered.

 The urine smell was starting to make me sick, but I felt so bad for Fira, I couldn't make her feel worse.

  "Next time you have to tell me when you have to use the bathroom," I told her. "So we don't have to worry about it later and before its too late. Okay?" 

  She nodded and I ruffled her hair. "How about we go home and get cleaned up and we could go to Dragonball six flags? That sound good?" I suggested.

  "Yeah!" Said Fira, sounding excited.

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