Carmen -2

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Carmen dropped her wooden sword as she placed her hands on her knees and started panting like a dog. The sun was glaring down at her whilst the wind gave cool sweep of air every now and then.

  "Damnit, I'm so tired..." She muttered to herself.

  She picked up and chugged down another bottle of water before tossing it back on the ground once she finished.

  She bent over and felt the rim of her shorts push up against her bladder, casuing her to wince and curse herself for not going when she first woke up, but by having her daily training sessions as her number one priority, there was no way having to piss would get in the way of that.

  Carmen opened the palm of her hand on the base of the handle and her other hand gripping the actual handle. She let the sword handle dance around her fingers and quickly tossing it to her other hand. She smiled, knowing that she was making better progress than last time.

  She repeated that process a few more times before taking a small break. Her bladder gave her another warning and she knew that she shouldn't ignore them, but training was much more important.

  Pfft, you can wait. She told herself. But as a her bladder hardened and sent chills down her spine, she quickly changed her mind.

  Carmen dropped her sword and waddled to the front door while bouncing on the tips of her toes. She twisted the door handle and realized it was locked.

  "Shit," she grumbled. 

  She leaned and knocked against the door. Someone had to be home, unless Mikyah and the rest went out somewhere without informing Carmen about it.

  She waddled back to her training spot and plopped down on a log. Her legs were bouncing up and down and her thighs were pressed together.

  Stop acting like a child you idiot. Carmen thought bitterly to herself. Maybe I should wait until they come back.

  Carmen looked at the grass in their yard and gulped, the shook her head. Don't even think about pissing in the yard. It's so childish and I have way more dignity than that to-

  A small spurt had escaped from Carmen and her hands shot down to her crotch. A few whimpers were freed from her lips.

  "No, no, no, no, no," she muttered.

  Carmen whipped her head around once she heard the leaves crunch, then released a relieved breath when she saw that it was only Halo.

  "Hey Carmen," said Halo, waving at her.

  Carmen turned her whole body around, her legs still  bouncing like crazy.

  "Oh, um, h-hey Halo," she said, trying the best to her ability to not seem desperate, nor seem like she had a predicament.

 Halo slightly tilted his head to the side. "You okay?" He asked, a bit concerned. "You"

  Carmen shook her head, resisting to hold herself like a small child." Y-yeah, everything is aye okay," 

  Halo nodded anyway, although he was still unsure about Carmen's condition. He went over and sat next to Carmen, who had stiffened up. 

  Suddenly, her bladder liberated a large amount of pee. Urine leaked to her thighs and she was pretty sure that there was a dark patch on her shorts.

  Carmen shoved her hands in between her legs and blushed while Halo sat, watching her.

  "Um, I have the key if you need-"

  "No, I don't need to use it," Carmen snapped as another pang hit her lower abdomen, resulting her whimpering in pain.

  Halo folded his arms across his chest. "Okay, but if you piss your pants, I tried to help."

  Carmen winced at his comment, then she turned to him, her eyes filled with tears. "A-alright, I need the k-key~"

  Halo went to the front door and unlocked it within seconds, leaving it wide open so Carmen could go straight in without any hesitation.

  And that was Carmen's plan, but with her legs bouncing and twisting, her hands pressed in her crotch, and her thighs becoming wetter by the second, there wasn't any way she was going to make it in time.

  Instead, Carmen raced to the their yard and used one hand to yank her shorts down, which wasn't very successful. 

  Lastly, there was a final spurt, before there was a loud hissing sound as a thick stream of urine trailed down her legs. Moans of pleasure and relief escaped her lips as she removed her hands from her crotch to brush away any tears forming at the corners of her eyes. The dirt underneath Carmen soon turned to mud and it formed around her shoes.

  "Shit!" Carmen whimpered, cursing herself.

   Hearing that, Halo went to the direction of the sound and flushed once he saw Carmen having her accident. And although he could care less, he did feel sympathy for the young teen.

  "Um, need any help?" Halo asked awkwardly.

  Carmen looked up at Halo, her face scorchingly hot and painted with scarlet with tears running down her cheeks. 

  She was speechless. She had relieved herself in their own backyard, obviously observable to anyone who happened to walk or drive by. Her wet shorts had instantly become cold, along with her legs, and her shoes were either covered in piss or standing in the thin mud.

  Carmen began to trudge her way to her house. She didn't make eye contact with Halo, since even though he was being sympathetic and helpful, she would break down on a fit of tears, she could see it already.

  The first place she went to was the restroom. When she opened the door, a small gust of wind flew by her and she shivered, pressing her freezing thighs together.

  She closed and locked the door behind her and starting stripping her soggy and damp clothes. She tossed her shorts, panties, socks, and shirt in one corner and her shoes right next to the toilet.

  She turned the knob on the bathtub as broiling hot water spewed out from the faucet and into the tub. Carmen sat down in the tub, leaning against the tile wall and sighed.

  Alright, so maybe training comes second..

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