Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Swiftly I stuff the stone into my right pocket, hoping that the men had not spotted it. To my horror, I look up to find a small gang of five men. All of them characterised by their matching vests, baggy pants and the tattoos covering their bodies. One stepped forward, and because of his dominating stance, I knew he was the leader. He was muscular, his clothes were stained in blood and he was covered in dirt. "What have you got in your pocket kid?" he says, this voice is rough and deep. I attempt to cover up my fear, "Nothing sir." "A Kid walking down an alleyway, all alone, doesn't sound too good does it?" I stare blankly at him, unsure what to say. The gang senses my fear, like a shark hunting for blood.

"Do you mind If I look in your pockets," the leader grabs me and I push him back. The members of the gang walk forward, hands on their various weapons. Some holding firearms, others, knives and swords. The leader, signaling to the rest of the gang members to stay back, begins to walk closer, "Don't you play games with me boy." My heart begins to race, and I stuff my hands into my pockets. "Josh, leave him," says a voice from behind the leader. I begin to feel slightly calmer until he speaks again. "Let me do it." With this request, the leader stepped back, and a slightly weaker looking man stepped forward.

He came closer and I started to panic. Without thinking I pulled out my knife, and plunged it into the mans throat. The blood dripped down from the wound to my hand. I pulled the knife out and ran, turning around only to find two men chasing me, the leader and a slower gang member. One man just stared at their bleeding companion in horror, while the other was attempting to deal with his wounds. He was dieing, but he wasn't gone yet. I turn my head and run. I decide that the only chance of survival would be out running him or loosing him in the crowds. By now, my two followers had pulled out their weapons. One had a curved blade, while the leader was carrying a small firearm. I realised my chances of survival were slim.

What ground I had made at the start of the chase was slowly closing. I had made it half-way through the back street before the slower member had given up, and rushed back to help his friend. The leader wouldn't give up. He wouldn't let his friend die in vein. I ran past a dumpster, pushing a pile of rubbish onto the floor; hoping to slow my chaser. The gang leader just leaped straight over it, and this attempt at stalling him only made him angrier. I begin to feel fatigued. Running, hungry and frightened, I realise that this might be the end.

I began to feel like there was no hope. I look over towards a pile of boxes, and decide that it would be a fitting place to die. I ran with whatever remaining strength I had, and dived into the boxes, covering myself with whatever I could. Covered in boxes, I couldn't see what was happening outside. All I could hear was laughing. I hear more footsteps, the rest of the gang had arrived. They joined in with the evil, harmonic laughter. After a few seconds the entire alleyway fell into an eerie silence. I hear the click of the gun, followed by a short, ear shattering boom.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2012 ⏰

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