My Mother

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I packed all the things that I would need for the flight.It turns out the don't live in the same country as me.I looked at the time and noticed it was eight o'clock at night.I dicided to go to bed since I had to get up early.I put on She Looks So Perfect as usual and I closed my eyes and all of a sudden I was asleep.

I woke up to my alarm,I got up to get changed.I put a white shirt on that hung on my sholder and black skinny jeans with my black boots.I walked out my room with all my bags.I put my bags by the front door.I walked into the kitchen to see marissa(She is rebecca's adoption mother)making breakfast a usual

"We will miss you,"Marissa said.

"Then why are you sending me of all the way across the world,"I said that and they turned around,"Did I also mention that my brother is a rockstar."

'Well I guess your life is full of excitment,"My father said eating the rest of his breakfast.I looked at my watch and noticed that I had to leave.

"Bye,I will miss you I will try to visit when I can,"I said giving them a hug.I grabbed my stuff and walked out the door not thinking twice.I put my bags in my trunk.before I left I gave Marissa an extra sent of keys to the car so she can drive it to the shipping department.I got in the car and so did she.


I got out of the car and grabbed my bags.I walked all the way to my flight.The flight attendent sayed they were boarding so I got on the plane and sat down in my seat.I knew it was going to be a while so i put my headphones in and played shuffle on my music list.I sat there for at least five hours on the plane till we landed.

I got off the plane and I saw my mother standing there waiting trying to look for me in a big crowd of people.I walked toward her making her jump when I tapped on her sholder.When she noticed it was me she screamed and hugged me really tight.

"Ok. Lauren and Harry are at home but Ashton is out some where but he will be home soon."She said as we got into the car.She drove for at least thirty minutes.When we got to the house two little kids came running from inside and gave me a hug.

"I have an older sister,"Lauren said letting go of me.Harry was still holding on but Lauren pulled him off of me.

"Let me show you to your room,"My mother said.We walked inside and upstairs.When we got to a room she opened the door and all my stuff was there.I unpacked all my stuff then went back downstairs to get to know everybody.I sat down on the couch and everybody was stairing at me.My mom handed me a cup of hot tea and sat down.

"Stop staring its rude,"She said to the kids.As she said that the front door flew open....


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