The Camping Trip

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Hello my famous readers I would like it if you could comment and vote on this chapter it would be an honour!


After he gave me his phone number and address i noticed his parents let him move back in with them and he has the same phone number. I was so scared of him that evrybody noticed once we got back to the hotel. Tonight is our last night because we are leaving to go back home in the morning. I cant wait to see my mum,lauren, and harry. I missed all of them and I dont know why I mean I saw them not even a month ago but then again a month for me is long.

We all went to bed for our rest because we have to be up very early in the morning.


I was walking around in the ally next to my house and I saw beck and he was smiling. I tryed to walk past him but he just grabbed my arm and pushed me up against the wall trying to do what he always wanted. I tryed to scream for help but nobody was around.He started kissing me and i tryed to push him of but it was no use he was stronger than me. He kissed along my jaw line, down my neck, and right above my breast. He stopped kissing me and I tryed to scream again but he just smacked me and started to undo my pants. When he was done undoing my pants he started to kiss me again....


I woke up but nobody was in my room so I was guessing that I didn't scream. I got up and walked to ashtons room but I didnt want to nock so I walk right in and noticed he was sleeping.

"Ashton,"I shook him and he rolled over asking me what I wanted,"Can I sleep in here with you because Im afraid that if I go back to sleep in my room i'll have another bad dream,"

He patted the bed next to him and i crawled in under the covers and snuggled up close to him as he wrapped his arm around me.

I woke up to the sound of a happy harry. He was making breakfast and dancing, it was halarious.  I dicided to grab my bag because I was going to take a shower. I picked out blue legging and a black shirt that it hung off of one sholder. I walked into the bathroom and shut and locked the door behind me. I turned on the water and made sure it was hot and then I jumped in. I washed my hair and my body and got out. I noticed that I forgot my under garnments so I had to walk out with all the boys in the kitchen and living room which was connected.

I grabbed my close that I had picked out and I walked out and every body was looking and my with there eyes big.

"Look at that sexy ass,"Luke said smiling. I gave him a glare and then I walked into my room and found my bag and I got dressed.

We were all done with every thing so I put on my shoes which were black high tops and we left the hotel to go to the airport. When we got to the airport we borded our plane and we sat there for atleast five hours. I got off the plane to see mum. I ran up to her and she gave me a hug.

"Hey I want to do something with you and the boys if you dont mind but I just want to tell you and not the boys,"She said with a smile.

"What is it,"I said with a smile.

"I wanna go on a camping trip"......


There is going to be a second part to this chapter so dont worry! shout out to 5_seconds_of_socks for voting please comment vote! love ya my famous readers! follow me on twitter @vkaymaddox thnx bye bye

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