I Hate You!... Im Sorry?

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~Rebeccas POV~

They all gave me a group hug, except Luke. I didn't understand why he was being so rude. Once everybody stopped hugging me and gave ,me sympathetic looks, Luke let out a little scoff.

"Why do you guys always pity her?" Luke asked walking into the kitchen.

"We don't pity her," Michael said,"Ashton is her brother, I am her bestfriend, and Calum is her boyfriend. What are you? The ex boyfriend who hates the girl because she dumped him for  his bestfriend because he cheated on her?"

"Kassandra kissed me!" Luke yelled walking into the living room again."I did everything for Rebecca and what did she do? She through it back in my face!"

"I never did that!" I screamed making everybody look at me," I was the one who did everything for you! I told you all my secrets and now. Now they are nothing because now that you know them you could tell anybody and ruin my life! Oh wait you already did!" Luke was so furious. He stomped out of the house and down to his car. I heard him drive away when I dropped my stuffed animal and ran up to my room. I fell to the floor and started crying. I couldn't do this anymore but I had to because I had to be there for Calum, Ashton,Michael,and the baby.

I was laying down on the floor when I heard a knock on my door. I told whoever it was to come in. It was the boys. They layed down next to me and I giggled as they cuddled up next to me. I had gotten up and walked over to my laptop on my desk. I laughed as I heard all of them moan and tell me to come back and lay down with them. I didn't listen and they just gave up and dicided to have a pillow fight. I was laughing my butt off until I noticed I had gotten a skype call from her. I had answered it and then I started to talk.

"Hey I said smiling. Right away the boys stopped messing around. I saw Ashton look at the computer screen then he through a pillow at me. I laughed.

"Whats so funny,"She asked I pointed to the boys and she ran to the bathroom. She came back with her hair out of the bun it was in and it was brushed and she had make up on.

"Are you still jealous?" I asked her.

"YES!" She screamed running around the room. I could not stop laughing.

"I heard that," Ashton said walking up to me."So you like us," He asked her.

"Why wouldn't I? Here in America everybody want's to marry you guys!" She said totally imbarassing herself. I laughed again and got out of the chair and Ashton sat down. They started to talk more and I knew something was going to happen between them. I smiled and walked over to Calum. He gave me a squeeze on my leg. And gave me a enthusiastic smile. I couldn't resist so I kissed him. He started to kiss back until we heard a gasp come from the laptop and Ashton say 'get a room'. Calum chuckled and let me get up."What happened with you and Luke?" Jenneffer asked.

"You don't want to know," I said."But something you do want to know is that I am going to visit in a week and I am taking the boys to!" She screamed at the top of her lungs and the boys were hugging me. I laughed and dicided to get off Skype. I told her I had to leave and she said bye. Thats when Luke came home. I didn't really want to talk to him but I still had to go down stairs and make my dinner befor the boys made theirs. When I got down stairs luke was already in the kitchen. He was sitting at the island we had. I was walking to the fridge until somebody grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Luke.

"Im sorry," He said, "I should have never charged at you like that and I should never call a girl a slut,"

"Im not the only person you should be apologizing to. You should be apologizing to everybody. Plus sorry is not going to cut it, Im suprised they have not kicked you out of the band," I said. I walked over to the fridge and made a salad. I walked up to my room and started to eat. Once I was done I went to bed...

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