The date

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HEY guys sorry I have not been updating. We have one week of school left so there is so much work to do but in the summertime there will be more updates. I'd like to give a shoutout to prettysmart123. She is a really good writer and you should go check out her books! THANKS AGAIN!


"Oh My Gosh!! Yes I  will go out with you. It has been my dream to go out with you," I said jumping in the air and fangirling at the same time.

"So it's a date, tomorrow at eight," he said with a little smirk on his face.He walked out of my room and before I went to bed I grabbed my laptop and started to oovoo my friend Jennifer about what luke just did. She started to scream and she also told me what to where and what to do when we went out but I forgot about the tour and that we couldn't go on the date, unless he had some thing planned for us during the tour.

I went to bed and as I was sleeping I heard someone come into my bedroom.I didn't open my eyes because I didn't want to see who it was. They set something down on my night stand and as they left I looked to see what they put on my stand. It was a CD that said 'listen' on it.I put it into my computer and it started playing everything from when I was a little girl to who I am today. I read the CD and it was from my old parents. I missed them so much even though they made me move out.

I woke up to the sound of pans clashing together. It was michael and he was standing there smiling.

"What do you want,"I said while getting out of bed.

"We are leaving so if you want to sleep in the car go ahead."He said as we both walked out of the room and to the car. We had to drive to the tour bus then we were going to go to the tour.We were also going to meet one direction on the tour bus so that was one thing that I was really excited for.I dicided not to sleep because I didn't want michael to find another way to wake me up.

We were listening to the radio and then a song I knew came on.I started to sing and it was amazing.All the noises around me. Including the snoring ashton.

We were at the tour bus and thats when I saw One Direction walk off the tour bus.Luke grabbed my hand and told the lads that we were going to meet them at the hotel. We started walking until we stopped in front of a resteraunt. They had a stage and people would get up on stage and sing their hearts out. Me and luke sat down at a table that the waiter gave us.

"Hold on," Luke said getting up from his seat and heading over to the bar. He went on stage and i knew what he was going to do."This song goes out to my lovely date,"

The first time that I saw your eyes

I knew I was in love

but as time flew by

Everything just kept breaking down.

Cause right now im head over heels

And I want you to know how i feel

because baby-y-y

i want you to see-ee

my love for you

Everytime you cry

I could honetly die.

and I want to open your heart

With the sound of music

Cause right know im head over heels

And i want you to know how i feel

because baby-y-y

i want you to see-ee

my love for you.

He sang that for me and I honestly could hug him to death.I knew how he felt and how he knew how i felt about him.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

thank you guy for waiting for me to update.I would like to say the song in this chapter was written by me.Its still a work in progress but please tell me how you felt!

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