The Pressure

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Im home, I thought. I opened my eyes to see Calum staring at me with his dreamy eyes. I smiled at the way he was looking at me. He set his suitcase down and walked over to the bed and sat next to me. I leaned up so our faces were close together. I heard a knock on my door and I looked up from Calums eyes to see my dad or as I will now call him, Robert. I smiled at him and got off my bed before he started to speak.

"You have friends here," he said as I walked out the door. I saw the whole gang standing at the bottom of the stairs. I saw Ashton standing there and I ran down the stairs to give him a hug. I just can't spend anytime away from them can I? I just love them to much.

"We cant stay away from you either." Michael said. Did I just say that out loud? I laughed and walked into the living room to see my Adoption mother, Marissa, sitting on the couch. She was giving me a death glare.

"Uhh, Marissa, this is my brother Ashton," I said pointing to him.

"So he is the rockstar," She said making me blush.

"You told her I was a rockstar," Ashton said poking my sides.

"What, are you not?" She asked him.

"You could say that but I usually go by the term of being the drummer of a boyband," He said smiling," But we are basically a rock band,"

"Well it is nice meeting you," She said getting up from the couch and walking over to Ashton to give him a hand shake. "Who are the rest of your friends,"

"This is Calum my boyfriend," I said noticing that he was right next to me." This is Luke, Michael and One Direction," I pointed to everybody else and she gave them all hand shakes.

"Now I understand why you asked me if Calum could stay here with you." She said and I started blushing.

" Well we can all go out to eat and we can get to know each other better." I said smiling.

"But that would cost a bunch of money," Marissa said.

"Did you not notice that I am famous now," I stated signaling that I had a lot of money.

I grabbed my bag and we all walked out out the door. We took two cars and they were both Highlanders (which can fit six people in each) I was in the car with my parents, Calum, Ashton, and Harry. The rest were in the other car.

As we were sitting in the car, Harry would not stop tapping on my shoulder. I turned around to see what he wanted (I was not driving Marissa was). He said, " I need to tell you something, People have been saying rumors about you and they will not change them unless you talk to them," he said handing me at least 2 magazines. they all had different covers but they were by the same publisher. One of them said,' Is Rebecca Iwrin cheating on Luke with Calum?' the other one said ,' Is Rebecca Iwrin splitting the band?' i dont understand why people would talk about this. Tomorrow im going to talk to the publisher and fix this.

We pulled into the parking lot of the resteraunt and we we walked in. They sat us down at a table with enough seats for all of us. I sat in between my parents and 5sos was in front of me. One direction sat at the ends of the table. After we had ordered our food I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and walked to the bathroom. When I had gotten back every body was staring at me. when I got back to my set Marissa started to say something.

"How could you have not told us," She said and I looked at her and asked her what she was talking about. " Why didn't you tell us you were pregnant," I hadnt sat down at the time. I just lost my smile and just walked out of the resteraunt. I knew somebody would come after me so right as I walked out the door I ran down the street and made a couple of turns till i was sure I was far away. I called Jennifer and asked her to come pick me up.

When I saw her car turn the corner I felt a little smile come across my face. She pulled up in front of me and I got into the car. she started asking what was wrong and I told her to drive me to her house and then I would tell her, but for now I really want the pressure to get off my back. I need to be alone in my thoughts for now.

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